Welcome to The Story!!
I'm going to assume, since your on this page, that you are interested in learning either a little bit more about me, or a little bit more about this blog. You're in the right place
About the Blog:
The Story was founded in late 2007. I didn't really know what "blogging" was, but as an avid reader I thought it would be a great way to keep track of the books I was reading and share what I thought with other people... which I assumed would probably only be my mom.
The Story features mainly Young Adult literature. Reviews, interviews, giveaways, book news, and anything else that strikes my fancy.
Every Sunday (I guess I should say 'almost') I host In My Mailbox.
Now you know a little bit more about the blog and what you can expect. Let's find out a little bit more about the person behind it all.
About Me:
My name is Kristi, my online alias is Story Siren or The Story. Contrary to popular belief I an NOT a Teen. I just like to act like it... and still feel like it most of the time.
My day job: orthodontic technician. Braces are fun!
What I do when I'm not reading:
- cooking & baking (probably more cooking than baking)
- writing
- traveling (when I can afford it)
- watching movies (all time favorite movie: The Princess Bride)
- listening to music (love Taylor Swift/The Veronicas/Paramore)
- twittering (I have a slight addiction to Twitter)
- answering emails (I like to avoid my inbox :P)
I was married in June 2006 and live in a small town in Indiana with my husband and our only child, Xander, our spoiled rotten rottweiler.
Other places you can find me online:
- Goodreads
- Amazon Profile
- Indiebound
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