So, you’ve seen some In My Mailbox on a few blogs... and you’re wondering to yourself, what is this thing? You’ve come to the right place!
What is In My Mailbox?
In My Mailbox was started in November of 2008. It was inspired by one of my fellow book bloggers and friends, Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. That and several other elements. What it all came down to was this: I get books to read and then ultimate share my thoughts about with my readers. As much as I want to, I can’t possibly read every book I receive. Yet, I still wanted a way to feature those books on the blog, even though it might not be in the form of a review. Problem solved!
In My Mailbox has evolved since its start. It started out with a few cover images and a synopsis... then to actual pictures of the books and finally to vlogs!
Initially In My Mailbox was something I did myself, but ultimately I thought it would be even better if other bloggers shared in the idea... thus the craziness of IMM was born! In My Mailbox is a great way for bloggers to socialize and network their blogs, it’s also a great way for bloggers to share upcoming releases!
Currently their are around 200 blogs that participate every week. Think you might like to join up?
How IMM works:
- Make your own IMM post! I post every week, but you don’t have to. You can do one week out of the month or every other week it’s up to you. Be sure to link back to The Story blog, so that other people wanting to participate know where to get the information to do so!
- I post my IMM on Sunday, but choose a day of the week that works for you.
- Once you have your IMM posted, come back to The Story on Sunday and add your link to the list.
- Try to post a comment on other bloggers IMM posts. I don’t expect you to post a comment on every single one, but pick a few!
All book bloggers are welcome, while I’d like to keep the theme to YA literature it’s NOT a requirement.
There is no right or wrong way to do In My Mailbox, you can vlog, you can take fun picture, you can use the books cover art, it’s up to you!
Most importantly HAVE FUN!
If you have any questions about In My Mailbox please feel free to contact me via email.