Keri Mikulski is the guest author for this Thursday's Author Tales! Keri is the author of Screwball, which I haven't had a chance to read yet, but is currently hanging out in my to be read pile, so you can expect a review soon!
Dance Do Over
The prom season is coming to a close. How about a dance do over?
What’s the deal with dances, anyway? Do they freak you out like they used to bug me? I mean, the pressure of finding the perfect one of a kind dress, deciding who you’re going with, what table you’re going to sit at, what you’re going to eat, whether or not you’re getting your hair done or doing it yourself, etc. is enough to make even the coolest cringe.

Don’t get me wrong, the prom or dance itself is fun, but it’s like a mini wedding. The prep sucks, but the actual day is worth every minute.
Warning: Blatant SCREWBALL promotion ahead:

Even Ashley Clarke, my main character in SCREWBALL deals with a dance dilemma. Instead of going to the Homecoming dance with her new hot boyfriend, Andrew, Ashley is committed to attend a softball tournament in another state. Consequently, Andrew asks Ashley if it’s okay if he takes a senior ‘friend’, since Ashley can’t attend. Does Ashley skip the tournament and go to the dance? Or does Andrew go to the dance with his ‘friend’?
Wouldn’t it be nice to travel back in time to change some things?

Here are my Top Three Dance Do Overs:

8th grade Holly Ball - I would have never agreed to ditch my date and spend the whole night dancing and talking with another guy that I liked, but blew me off after the dance to make out with another girl. Sorry, I’m a jerk. And it’s been like 18 years, so I forget your name, but thanks for the really sweet silver corsage that matched my braces and silver fake jewelry.

8th grade Graduation Dance – Bad decision to wear the strapless flowered poofy dress. I was not ready to give in and face the fact that my body was not made for strapless dresses even with a triple padded strapless bra. Consequently, I spent the entire evening pulling the above dress up.

6th grade Graduation Dance (In Maple Shade, we graduated a bunch of times. J) – When a certain boy asked me to dance, who I happened to like, I shouldn’t have ran into the bathroom and hid until Journey’s "Open Arms" was over. I should have said yes and extended my straight arms barely touching his shoulders. Then, he could have reached out and barely touched my waist with his fingertips like everyone else. Instead, I declared "Open Arms" our song and liked him even more.

Would you re-do a dance? What would you change? Or if you can’t think of a dance do over, tell me about your fave prom, dance, or formal of all time. A lucky commenter will be chosen at random to win a loved hardback copy of Laurie Halse Anderson’s PROM. Have a great summer everyone and thanks for the blog invite, Story Siren. Keri
For more information about Keri check out these links:
The deadline for the Prom giveaway will be June 3rd midnight eastern time! The winner will be announced Wed, and if you would, please leave an email address! Thanks! Your entries will also put you in the Monthly Contest!! And unlike the Evernight contest, since this book isn't Keri's own, you will still qualify for the Monthly Contest, if you win the copy of Prom by Laurie Halse Anderson.
Thank to Keri for her awesome post and for an even more awesome contest!!!