The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
Release Date: March 2008
Publisher: Hyperion Books for Children
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 342
Frankie Landau-Banks is tired of being underestimated. Starting her sophomore year at Alabaster Preparatory Academy, Frankie begins the struggle to finding her true self. She’s snagged herself a very cute senior boyfriend, but is it "better to be alone, than to be with someone who can’t see who you are." Frankie is ready to show everyone just how much they underestimate her! Frankie knows from her father that there is a secret society on campus called the Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds, and she discovers that her boyfriend, Matthew, is a member. Infiltrating the male only club, Frankie uses the alias thealphadog and devises a series of elaborate pranks. The "dogs" carry out the pranks unbeknownst that Frankie is the mastermind behind them all. But will she get the respect she’s always wanted or will she wish she was simple and sweet?
E. Lockhart is amazing! This is the first of her novels that I’ve read, but I know I will continue to pick up her books and will probably be going back and reading some of her old titles! I absolutely love Frankie. You don’t often find female characters that are empowering the way that Frankie is, it was completely refreshing. I love to read books about strong female characters! The pranks were hilarious and at the same time genius, I found myself laughing out loud! This is an excellent novel on self discovery and self acceptance and I absolutely recommend it!