Cherry Cheva is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales! Cherry is the author of the hilarious novel, She's So Money. You can check out my review of She's So Money, here! Don't forget if you want to sign up for the monthly contest, this is where you need to comment!! Thanks!
And now presenting the world's most rambly guest blog!*
So I've spent the past few weeks out of the Family Guy office because I've been on script, writing an episode that will probably make it to your TVs, oh, somewhere in late 2009 (if not 2010). Being on script is great because hey, you get to get out of the office, and if they work a late night there, so what, you're already at home. Yay! Plus you don't have to drive anywhere if you don't want to and you can wake up whenever you want. It's a pretty sweet gig when it happens, although I must admit that by the end of it, I personally can get a little stir-crazy. The heat in LA right now isn't helping things (I've just been holed up at home with the a/c so I literally haven't gone anywhere in days) and neither is the rather pathetic lineup of summer TV (I haven't been watching anything regularly except So You Think You Can Dance. Well, America's Best Dance Crew just started again, but it mostly just makes me miss Jabbawockeez).
What's my point, you ask? Well, I guess that it's nice to be able to do different things-- if all I did all the time was write from home, without having an office to go to and people to interact with, I might go nuts, but it's also so, so nice sometimes to be able to make your own schedule, writing when you want and chilling when you want. Of course, this is all about to go to hell, as I just got the deadline for my second novel and, um, it's not that far away. Yikes! Cut to me spending the next few months writing all day with the rest of the Family Guy staff, and then coming home and writing all evening with my own self, and getting no sleep and being cranky all the time. Ah, good stuff. Hell, maybe I should be glad there's no summer TV. Although the commercials for that show "Wipeout" have looked pretty funny...and okay, okay, I've been dabbling in "The Bachelorette"...and I just realized that VH1 is doing "I Love the New Millennium"...what was I talking about again? :)
*may not actually be the world's most rambly guest blog, because who knows, but still pretty darn rambly
Thanks Cherry for an awesome guest post! If you would like more infor on Cherry, you can visit her MySpace page! http://www.myspace.com/cherrycheva