Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty by Jody Gehrman
Release Date: April 2008
Publisher: Penguin Group, Dial Books
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 255
This is Geena’s sixteenth summer and what better way to spend it then with her favorite cousin Hero and her best friend Amber. Her plans go awry when Hero and Amber don’t exactly get along, okay, they pretty much hate each other.
Just when Geena thinks her summer is ruined, mysteriously Hero and Amber start getting along. But it seems they only collaborate to get Geena and get her out of her "boy-hostile" attitude. Geena is happy to seem them getting along, but she couldn’t possibly ever be interested in Ben, could she?
Hero’s perfect girl image is tarnished when she snubs golden boy, John. When the girls find evidence of his crime, they concoct a plan to spotlight his true nature once and for all!
Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty is reminiscent of Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing, those that are familiar with the play will see the subtle similarities. I devoured this book in one sitting! I started reading and I just couldn’t put it down. The dialogue is hilarious. This is one of the funniest book’s I’ve read in a while! The characters are well developed especially Geena, she comes into her own throughout the novel. The character dynamics were displayed wonderfully as well! I enjoyed Gehrman’s writing style and I will definitely be picking up more of her books. If you are looking for a fun summer read that is well written and beyond funny, pick up Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty! (Btw, the cover is scratch-n-sniff, how cool is that!)