You might be seeing this post on some other blogs as well, because we’ve came together to give away an awesome prize!!! Stephanie Kuehnert's debut I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone comes out next week on July 8. We want you to pre-order the book now or go and get it when it's officially released. So, we’ve provided some motivation! Lauren from Shooting Stars Mag is the host for this contest, so please send your entries to her.
What you must do:
Get the book and either copy the receipt or take a picture with the book. Send them to Lauren at: Lauren51990@aol.com and that's all you must do to enter!
This contest will end on July 30, with the winner being announced early August, so don't waste any time in getting this book!
Now...the prize:
A WHOLE BUNCH of gift cards, that will be for various bookstores and Itunes, since the book is very music-oriented.These are the current Book Reviewers, including us, who will be giving away a $10 gift card to the winner:
And Another Book Read: Tasha (Barnes N Noble)
Shooting Stars Mag: Lauren
Reading Mania (ElainaReads): Elaina
The Compulsive Reader
Bookluverreviews: Chelsie
The Story: Kristi
B is for Books: Breanna
Teen Troves: Mollie and Ariel (Amazon)
The Corner of Megan's Mind: Megan
Presenting Lenore: Lenore
Writer's Block Reviews: Holly
In Bed With Books: Livinia
Reader Rabbit
If you're counting, that's 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 book sites giving away a $10 card...that means the winner will get 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 bucks in gift cards just by buying ONE book and showing us that you did! Not bad, right?
MORE might be added as well in the next few days, so keep checking back to this post to see if the amount goes up...we're waiting to hear back from a couple more people!
Also, as you can see...some of the bloggers have already stated where their gift cared will go!