Braless in Wonderland by Debbie Reed Fischer
Release Date: April 2008
Publisher: Penguin Group (USA) Inc., Dutton Books
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 249
Alle is known as the brain, the smart one of her family. Her sister Sabrina is the pretty one, and Alle refers to her as The Fluff... all beauty no brains. But Alle’s smarts have paid off and she has an acceptance to Yale in the fall, unfortunately she has no way to pay for it.
When she escorts her sister to a modeling agency scouting, she gets discovered instead of Sabrina. Although modeling is the last thing in the world Alle wants to do, she knows that the money from modeling could make her dream of Yale come true. So she heads of to South Beach, in hopes of securing her future at Yale. But modeling is a lot more than Alle expected.
Here is the summary from the back of the book. I really like it, so that’s why I’m posting it too!
If you’re reading this, you probably think this is all about me and my glam career as a teen model, right?
Yes. I was the It Girl on South Beach for about a minute, but if your expecting a tale of some top model who wins the heart of a rock star, adopts a third-world baby, launches her own clothing line, gets her own reality show (or at least, her own E. True Hollywood Story), and winds up on the cover of Us Weekly’s Who’s Hot issue, than I better warn you...
That’s not exactly what happened to me.
This was an extraordinary novel! The only other modeling books I’ve read are the Violet Series by Melissa Walker and I wouldn’t even compare the two. Not that one is better than the other, because I immensely enjoyed both books, but they are nothing alike. Yes, they are both about girls who are discovered and become models but that is where the similarities stop. Braless in Wonderland is more a "finding out whom you really are story," than a "becoming a model story."
While modeling does have it glamorous moments, it was refreshing to read about the other side of the industry. Fischer’s experience in the modeling world was apparent in the novel and it made it seem that much more real. Alle is such a dynamic character, she is relatable, funny, intelligent and at the same time so naive. I couldn’t help but root for her on her trip to Wonderland. I absolutely recommend this book!