Making A Splash: Whitney by Jade Parker
Release Date: July 2008
Publisher: Scholastic Inc., POINT
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 240
Other Titles in the Series: Making A Splash: Robyn & Making A Splash: Caitlin
Whitney is working for the summer at a water park. It’s normal for most teenagers to have a summer job, except Whitney doesn’t really need a job. Her Dad is a very wealthy business owner, but he thinks Whitney needs a “real life” experience.
Whitney is kind of enjoying her summer working at the water park. She’s made a couple friends Robyn and Caitlin and she has a crush on the very cute ice cream boy, Jake. When Whitney finds out that her ex-best friend Marci will be renting the entire park and throwing her sweet sixteen party, she’s afraid that all her new friends will find out her secret!
Making A Splash: Whitney is a very cute quick read! It’s perfect for summer day. After being burned from her former friends, Whitney has big trust issues, and her Dad almost ruins it for her completely. I was glad to see by the end of the book that Whitney found the confidence in herself that people might actually just like her for her. I really enjoyed Parker’s writing style and I will most definitely be picking up more of her books. I’m especially going to have to read the first two books in the Making A Splash series!