Violet in Private by Melissa Walker
Release Date: August 5, 2008
Publisher: Penguin Group (USA), Berkley Jam
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 210
Other Titles in the Series: Violet on the Runway & Violet by Design
Violet is back! She’s headed of to her freshman year at Vassar, and she is hoping to leave the modeling world behind once and for all. If only it was that easy. College life is great and she has unbelievably awesome new friends. But her phone is going off the hook constantly with calls from Angela her agent. Even though Violet may be done with modeling the modeling world isn’t done with her, she’s still under contract.
She still supports her healthy model lingo and she continues to get a bad wrap from her “extra pounds.” Violet writes an article for the school paper declaring her views and lands herself an internship at Teen Fashionista, working under Roger’s new girlfriend Chloe. Did I mention that Violet finally realized that she is in love with Roger. Makes things a tad bit uncomfortable to say the least.
Now that Violet is done modeling, she has to figure out who she is without it, all while staying true to her self image-- despite the constant ridicule. Can she sort through her boy angst and leave the model drama behind for good!?
Could it be possible for this series to get better as it goes along? I feel like I have a new best friend after I’ve spent all this time with dear Violet. I have to say that this was my favorite book of the series. I really hope that the series doesn’t end here. Although, I did talk to Melissa and she says it is... unless the publisher asks for another. I'm devastated to say the least.
I think Violet became the person I always thought she was in this novel. Everyone has their insecurities, but I think that Violet finally came to terms with hers. I continue to love Walker’s writing, it just floats of the page it’s such a beautiful story. Could it be possible that she impressed me more?! Violet’s character is so realistically portrayed, I couldn’t help but feel her emotions as she felt them through the story. And that isn’t something that happens to me every time I read a book. I absolutely recommend this series. And don’t let the fact that it is about modeling and fashion turn you away. The story is about so much more than that.