Hope is a reviewer over at Hope's Bookshelf you can check out her reviews at http://www.princess2293.blogspot.com!

Cindy Ella – Robin Palmer
Summary (from the back of the book):
Prom. The best dress. The best shoes. The best date. Cindy Ella Gold is sick of it all.
Prom fever has infected L.A. – especially Cindy’s two annoying stepsisters and her overly Botoxed stepmother. Cindy seems to be the only one immune to it all. But her anti-prom letter in the school newspaper does more to turn Cindy into Queen of the Freaks than to close the gap between the popular kids and the rest of the students. Everyone thinks she’s committed social suicide, except for her two best friends – the yoga goddess India and John Huges-worshipping Malcolm – and shockingly, the most popular senior at Castle Heights High and Cindy’s crush, Adam Silver. But with a little bit of help from an unexpected source – and the perfect pair of shoes – Cindy realizes that she still has a chance at happily ever after.
I’ll start off with the stuff I didn’t like to get it out of the way. I found two major grammar mistakes – which isn’t that bad, but I’m just big on grammar mistakes. It also seemed like a few scenes were just unrealistic, but it is a modern day fairy tale, so I can forgive the author a bit.
This book was so CUTE! Cindy Ella has a great voice… it’s a great mixture of seriousness, funniness, and sarcasm.
It was funny when her stepsisters and stepmother would talk, because they thought she was some freak because she wasn’t going to the prom, which is a huge thing at her school. Her step-sisters aren’t the smartest, either, so it just makes it that much more funny.
This whole book starts when Cindy Ella writes an anti-prom letter to her school’s newspaper. She thought it might make the newspaper write some different articles, or at least not as many prom ones. Instead, this just made her a freak and even more of an outcast than she was before.
This is a modern day fairy tale, so of course it has a great ending. It’s very cute an unexpected, but it is just so wonderful! I wish real life would always let you end up with the guy you want to be with all along.
So, overall, this book was really good and I loved it. If you like fairy tales or just cute books with a good ending, this one is for you.

Mis Citas Favoritas:
"And if all you girls out there think that some prince is going to show up in a limo and sweep you off your feet and you’ll live a happily-ever-after pimple-free life, I have two words for you: AS IF!” – page 3
"Not only was I a loser because I had zero interest in anything prom-related, but it was my responsibility to warn the students at Castle Heights about how society was trying to brainwash them.” – Page 27
Okay everyone, this is it, this is really the end. This is my last Be My Guest Reviewer post... *tear* I want to thank everyone who was a guest reviewer! I loved getting see everyone's different reviewing styles and your feelings on the books you featured! Thanks again!