Not much is known about the two rabbits that run the book review site, Reader Rabbit (1 &2 ). Rumours say that they can be found in the coldest regions of Canada. Other sources mutter that they live in America, the land of the free. Needless to say, wherever they live it is likely to be a place with an abundance of carrots and books. Oh, and Internet access.

The Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante
Growing up in a religious commune isn't easy for anyone. But following all those rules is especially difficult for Honey, whose rebellious spirit causes her to get in trouble far too many times.
Agnes, Honey's best friend, can't believe Honey! She wants to become a saint and she worships the commune leader, Emmanuel. Despite the many discrepancies in Emmanuel's teachings, (i.e. if no outside things are allowed, why is Emmanuel allowed to have a TV and a car?) Agnes would never leave the commune. After all, the commune is a safe haven from the Outside World's "corruption", right?
When Nana Pete, Agnes's only contact from the outside, pops in for a surprise visit, Emmanuel doesn't have time to hide his dirtiest little secret. And Nana Pete is determined to save Agnes, Honey and Agnes's little brother from Emmanuel even if it's the last thing she does.
When reading the Patron Saint of Butterflies, I was entranced and devoured the book all in one go. The plot was hard-hitting and truthful and the author's voice never turned "preachy".Also, I found the characters to be very well-developed; every decision they made held true to their character.
Agnes character was a tragic one to read about. The conditioning that she had been put through was evident throughout. At first it was hard to believe that anyone could be that misguided but slowly I began to understand Agnes frustration with her grandmother when she was "kidnapped" from Emmanuel's rule.
Personally I adored Honey as a character, probably because she was easier to relate to than Agnes. She was the person that we sympathized with as we read it as we saw her desperation to be freed and the release that came with it.
Overall I found this book to be a great read for all ages! If you haven't already I recommend getting this book now and be prepared for a truthful and sometimes painful story.
Happy Reading,
Reader Rabbits 1 and 2
(Thanks to the Story Siren for giving us this opportunity!)
Thanks Rabbits for that awesome review! You can check out more from the Reader Rabbits on their own book blog!