I'm sure you've all heard the saying two heads are better than one, right? Well I also think two reviewers are better than one! Thus the birth of this collaboration! I'm going to hand the virtual mic over to Steph from Reviewer X for a further explanation. It's over to you Steph...
Hey people, Steph here. Last week, I emailed Kristi about the fact we both had these weekly roundups, and together we came up with a solution to annihilate the repetitions in our two posts. So, here we present you our tandem weekly compilation! Admittedly, given my midterms this week, Kristi did, like, 99.999999999% of the work and all you're getting from me is this introductory blurb and a couple of links here and there.
So, palms together for Kristi and a big crowdful of boos for me ;)
In the interest of avoiding further monotony, let's cut to the chase. Here's how it works: This compilation will be alternately posted here on The Story and on my blog, Reviewer X. (This means that next week, it'll be on my blog. The week after, back here. The week after that, my blog again. ¿Sí?) When it's posted HERE on SS, there will be a contest on my blog. When it's posted on MY blog, well, Kristi and I will have to work out contest details for then.
Scroll down for the compilation (which Kristi so awesomely did by herself), and then come over to my blog for this week's giveaway, which is $10 to any online retailer of your choice.
I'm mega excited to be working with Kristi on this! I know I speak for the both of us when I say I hope you all like this collaboration!
If you are an author, reviewer, publisher, book person in general and would like to be mentioned please email me or Steph at reviewerx(at)gmail(dot)com!
Week of August 25-31, 2008
Here is a compiled list of some of the contest I've come across! Please be sure to check the official guidelines and deadlines!
Kimberly Pauley (Sucks to be Me) is having a book launch party! It is running until Sept 10th! For complete information and all the prizes check out her blog.

Vanessa at What Vanessa Reads is having a contest for a copy of I Heart you, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder!
Chelsea aka The Page Flipper is still having her weekly contests! Check out her site for more information!
Ya Fresh is giving away a copy of All About Vee by C. Leigh Purtill.

Chick Lit Teen is having a contest for a signed coy of I'd Tell You That I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You by Ally Carter and an "I'm a Gallagher Girl" button!
Holly at Writer's Block Reviews is holding a contest for a signed copy of Severed Ties by Kevin Krohn.
Bookluver-Carol is hosting a contest to receive a signed copy of The Debs by Susan McBride.

Author Musing
Alexa Young (Frenemies) is back! Yes she is still alive and kicking and she has the finished revisions of Faketastic under her belt. You can thank Steph for bringing Alexa out of the hole she's been occupying since early August.

P.C.Cast and Kristin Cast (Chosen) blog about their adventures in Canada, promoting their House of Night vampyre series!
Taylor Morris (Total Knockout: Tales of an Ex-Class President) had an unexpected visitor at her house!! EEEK! Check out the details here!

Kelly Para (Invisible Touch) announced the new release date of her book, Invisible Touch. The official release date is now set for October 14, 2008.
Carrie Ryan (The Forest of Hands and Teeth) has posted the final cover of her debut novel The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Teri Clark (Sleepless) is buzzing about the rave reviews her new novel Sleepless has been getting!
Ally Carter (Cross My Heart and Hope To Spy) asks asks when you do you go back to school? (In Kristi's case, the lucky girl isn't go there no more! In Steph's, she's been back since July 31st.)

Josie Bloss (Band Geek Love) announced the cover for her new novel Band Geeked Out!
Keri Mikulski (Screwball) has been having some weird dreams lately. Polar Bears/Tornadoes??

Looking for a cool blog where a lot of authors are in one place check out this blog that features these authors: Amanda Ashby (You Had Me At Halo), Lauren Baratz-Logested (Secrets of My Suburban Life), Teri Brown (Read My Lips), Jessica Burkhart (Canterwood Crest: Take the Reins), Liz Conrad (High School Bites), Linda Gerber (Death By Bikini), Sara Hantz (The Second Virginity of Suzy Green), Stephanie Kuehnert (I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone), Alyson Noel (Cruel Summer), Kelly Para (Invisible Touch), Wendy Toliver (The Secret Life of a Teenage Siren), Melissa Walker (Violet on the Runway), and Sara Zarr (Sweethearts).
You should check out YA Fresh! Hosted by YA authors Tina Ferraro (How To Hook A Hottie) and Kelly Para (Invisible Touch).
Maureen Johnson (Suite Scarlett) has a very funny post entitled What We Did Before the Internet.
Justine Larbalestier (How To Ditch Your Fairy) posted about winning awards/being included in things solely because you're a woman. The inner feminist in all of us growls at this, does it not? Rawwr.

Melissa Marr's dog had a b-day this week. She posted some cute pics on her blog! I just had to tell you about it because she has a rottie, like I do!
Regina Scott (La Petite Four) blogs on Nineteen Teen with fellow author Marissa Doyle (Bewitching Season). She recently posted about the common practice of an aristocratic lady having a country house visit! Very interesting post if you like historical facts!

Erin Dionne (Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies) is not only an author but also a teacher! She blogged about going back to school and her excitement of teaching creative writing!!
Lisa Schroeder (I Heart You, You Haunt Me) is working on the final changes on her new novel Far From You! The title page looks very nice!
Mary E. Pearson (The Adoration of Jenna Fox) blogs about her novel being made into a movie! She recently met with the screenwriter. This is a book I would love to see on the big screen! If you haven't read The Adoration of Jenna Fox. I suggest you do! I know I am big fan, as well as Reviewer X!

Stacey Jay (You Are So Undead To Me) wants to know if you have any weird food quirks?
Maggie Steifvater (Lament) has gotten a final copy of her debut novel LAMENT: THE FAERIE QUEEN'S DECEPTION!! Don't forget to check out her Twisted Tuesday Teaser!
Author in the Spotlight

"Susan McBride is the author of THE DEBS, the first in a new young adult series from Random House featuring four prep school seniors in Houston, Texas, during their debutante season. LOVE, LIES & TEXAS DIPS will follow in June of 2009, and Susan has signed to pen two more DEBS books. She has also written five Debutante Dropout Mysteries for HarperCollins/Avon. Once called "The Lou's Whodunit Queen" by Sauce Magazine in St. Louis, Susan was selected as one of the city's "top singles" in 2005 by St. Louis Magazine but is single no more. She tied the knot in late February of 2008." http://www.susanmcbride.com/
Blogger Blurbs
The Book Muncher has been busy this week! She must be on a booking binge, check out her reviews for Private by Kate Brian, Screwball by Keri Mikulski and Specialists: Model Spy by Shannon Greenland.

Nicole at Word for Teens reviewed Physik by Angie Sage. "The writing style is rather unique, as is the plot line and the type of magic - or should I say magyk - that is used."
Presenting Lenore reviewed Into The Woods by Tana French: "The best part of the novel for me was the exploration of the close friendship between Rob and his partner Cassie. ... Although investigating murder can be a heavy topic, there are moments of lightheartedness and humor." Lenore also has exciting book contract news!
Bean Bag Books reviewed Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause. "Klause' writing is pure poetry, like chocolate melting on your tongue."

Kyle at Book Review Maniac reviewed Evernight by Claudia Gray. "Evernight is tied with Twilight for number one on my list of my favorite vampire books; they are both great vampire books that have great plots, and awesome characters."

Harmony Book Reviews read All About Vee by C. Leigh Purtill. "The characters were well-developed and relatable and the prose was well-written".
Alea of Pop Culture Junkie posted a new Lookalikes for North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headly, Evermore by Alyson Noël, and Angels in Pink: Raina's Story by Lurlene McDaniel. Lookalikes is one of Steph's favorite feature over at Pop Culture Rants: Alea takes book covers that are similar and groups them together to display how many publishers use stock images. For more Lookalikes, click here.
The Book Girl Reviews read Night Road by A.M. Jenkins. "It was amazing; there was action, suspense, and you could watch as Cole developed."

Surburban Trash reviewed Secret Vampire by L.J. Smith. "It's a great beginning, but I am glad there's more."
Gabbi of All Five Stars reviewed Anatomy of a Boyfriend by Daria Snadowsky: "Overall, I thought this was a very… (I'm searching for an interesting adjective, but I can't come up with one!) smart book. It's interesting to read about love and sex in the frank point of view of a teenage girl who tries to use her head but is usually driven by her big heart."
Liviania at In Bed with Books reviewed Play Me. "There are high points, many of them, but they’re followed by dull stretches."
Chelsie at Read Read Read reviewd Outside Beauty by Cynthis Kadohata. "The characters in this book were all unique; each sister had their own personality, and their mother was by far the most fascinating person out of them all."

Melissa the Book Nut reviewed Peeled by Joan Bauer. "Far-fetched? Probably. Entertaining? Very."
Hillary at The Book Reader reviewed Artichoke's Heart by Suzanne Supplee. "Artichoke’s Heart is not just about a girl struggling with her weight, but also about her journey with learning to love herself regardless of the numbers on her scale and accepting that others can love her as well."

Ambeen of The Ravenous Reader posted posted a very cool Melissa Walker (Violet in Private) guest VLOG! Also, Ambeen found the single coolest bookshelf in the history of the universe, a picture of which you can find by clicking here. Your bookish heart will be mangled at the sight of it - don't say I didn't warn you.
Our Reviews
Steph didn't review any new material this week as her mind, body and soul have been subdued by the midterm devil. Tune in next week for some intense detox reviewing.
The Story reviewed How To Be Bad, by E. Lockhart, Sarah Mlynoski & Lauren Myracle Aurelie: A Faerie Tale by Heather Tomlinson, Courage in Patience by Beth Fehlbaum and
Eyes of a King by Catherine Banner.
Reviewer X and The Story's pick for "Book to Pine For"

Summary from back of book: The heat is on down South! Debutante season in Houston is under way and four ultraprivileged girls await their invitations from the illustrious Glass Slipper Club. Laura Delacroix Bell: This trust-fund baby's size-fourteen figure doesn't stop her from attracting hot boys or the admiring eye of the GSC selection committee. But a salacious secret could take her out of the running quicker than you can say "Rosebud." Michelle "Mac" Mackenzie: She'd rather bury her nose in a book than embrace her deb destiny. But Mac's debut is her late mother's dream and her stepmother's obsession. If Mac doesn't bow out now, she may become the crankiest deb in Texas. Ginger Fore: She hopes to wear her grandmother's vintage ball gown on her big presentation day. But when a mysterious college guy puts Ginger's deb eligibility in jeopardy, she may end up wearing an unflattering orange jumpsuit instead. Jo Lynn Bidwell: A former beauty queen, she makes it her mission in life to take out the debu-trash. For now, Jo Lynn's sights are set on Laura Bell, and what she has in store for her bitter rival is anything but ladylike. The Debs...high society doesn't get any lower than this.
These cool people stopped by The Story and commented on a review or post! I just wanted to thank you personally for stopping by!
Maggie Stiefvater, The Book Muncher, ambeen, tetewa, Beth Fehlbaum, Author, Kelsey, Booked Books, Bluetiful Nostalgia, YA Book Realm, cat, Breanna, The Runion's, Reader Rabbit, Adayla S., Gabrielle, Ladytink_534, Diana Dang, Amber, Carolsue, Meredith, Chelsea, WannabeWriter, Shooting Stars Mag,, Lauren, Chelsie, Alea, softindierocker, Khyrinthia, Steph, and Sarah MacLean
In other news...
Hope you like the new changes to our "To Be Named" linkage fest!!!
My forum will be changing. In the spirit of teaming up with other reviewers. I will be teaming up with fellow book reviewer, Harmony's Book Reviews , to do a joint forum. I hope this change with help alleviate the SPAM madness I have been experiencing at my own forum!
I will be having a contest announcement, hopefully this week. So stay tuned for that! And speaking of contest, don't forget to show the love for our new feature and head over to Reviewer X's blog and sign up to win $10 to an online retailer of your choice!!