Why I Let My Hair Grow Out by Maryrose Wood
Release Date: March 2007
Publisher: Penguin Group (USA), Berkley Jam
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 224
After Morgan’s boyfriend decides he needs a change and dumps her, she decides to make some changes of her own. She takes some scissors to her long locks and cuts them all off! Her parents surprised by her drastic action think that a change of scenery may be beneficial for Morgan, so they pack her bags and send her on a bike tour of Ireland.
Morgan isn’t thrilled to be in Ireland, but the cute luggage van driver Colin just might make it worth her trip. That is until she hits her head and wakes up in a dream world of faeries and Irish mythology!
What a fun read! Why I Let My Hair Grow Out is a laugh-out-loud, fantastically brilliant! I loved the characters and the premise of the book! I would have loved to have seen it develop even further. I’m glad to see that there is another book that continues the story! I don’t know what I was initially expecting but it definitely wasn’t this! I absolutely recommend this books, it has a little bit of everything. Besides, the cover is just “WOW’! On another note: there is some mature language.
Buy the book: Why I Let My Hair Grow Out