Taylor Morris is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales! Taylor is the author of Class Favorite and the newly released Total Knockout: Tales of an Ex-Class President. Don't forget to leave a comment on today's post to be entered in the Monthly Contest!!
That girl in your history class will find you.
So there’s that girl in one of your classes who you never liked—she never liked you either, and neither of you had a good reason for it, except that maybe she gave you stink eye at a football game that night when you were out with your new boyfriend. Or there was that time she saw you stop talking the second she walked into the room, making her think (correctly?) that you were just talking about her. It’s nothing particularly mean or viscous, but the thing is, we’re not supposed to be friends with everyone, right? And she kind of bugs.
It’s the last year of high school, or maybe the last year of junior high and you’ll be going to different high schools and thank god you’ll never have to see her again.
But guess what? You’re wrong. Even if you move far, far away for college and never move home again, people will find you. They’ll find you and want to be friends with you. All because you once went to school together and because you both have accounts on Facebook or Myspace or Bebo or Fanpop or Habbo Hotel or whatever is the acceptable social network.
And you know what? That’s actually okay.
There’s just something about the nostalgia of high school that we can’t get away from, no matter how hard we try. I would never say it’s the best years of our lives (can you imagine? You’re 17 and it’s all downhill from there??), but it certainly defines us and helps shape us into adults like few other times in our lives.
And then you graduate, grow up, and it all seems so silly, and almost insignificant, that you didn’t like that girl in your history class because…why was it again? Suddenly you find it really fun to see what she’s up to, and you want to see pictures of her kids (she has kids?!) and her trip to Hawaii and what her husband looks like. Because high school, as sucky as it was, was at least something you all had to suffer through together, right?
Plus, if you grow up to be a writer who writes about high school and junior high, seeing these people again will help spark lots of juicy memories of that stuff that went down in the halls of the school. Like Peter Cameron’s book title says, “Someday this pain will be useful to you.”
Taylor Morris.
Thanks Taylor for that great post!! For more information on Taylor Morris and her books, you can visit the following links:
Website: http://www.taylormorris.com/books.html
Blog: http://taylormorris.livejournal.com/
Website: http://www.myspace.com/taylordmorris