Severed Ties by Kevin Krohn
Release Date: June 9, 2008
Publisher: Spiral Bound Publishing
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 178
At two tears of age Nyne Harper tragically lost her mother in a house fire. She only survived because she was rescued by her father. Fast forward eighteen years and met Nyne Harper college freshman by day, a killer by night. Determined to take down the corporation that killed her mother, Nyne will stop at nothing to get her revenge.
Initially I wasn’t sure what to expect from Severed Ties, I’d never read the author, but I’m always up for a good suspense novel. I’d saw some good reviews around the YA blogging circuit, so I was expecting to like the novel as well.
I was disappointed. I had the entire plot figured out within the second chapter. Ugh, I hate when that happens. Actually no, I don’t hate when that happens, I just hate when it’s too obvious and I’m not really enjoying the story. Because there have been many times where I’ve figured out a plot line in a book and still been able to enjoy the book.
Complaint number one... *Spoilers ahead* Sorry, I try to avoid spoilers, but I just have to in this instance. Okay so the girl is going around killing the heads of this corporation that supposedly killed her mother. Does that bother anyone else, that a 20-year-old “normal” girl is going around killing people and is “okay” mentally? I hate to say it but I think that is would be impossible to kill people and be normal. Yeah I’ve heard people say... oh yeah Jeffery Dahmer seemed like such a normal guy I would have never thought that he was a killer, yada yada yada.. Okay he “acted” normal, but there was obviously some sick a** shit going on in his head, no one can deny that, so I just can’t seem to understand how this girl can go around killing all these people and not be the least bit affected by it. At least she didn’t eat her victims. Call me crazy!
To top that all off, it turns out she is killing her own family! So what, now I’m supposed to feel sorry for her! Not going to happen, sure it sucks but, bad things happen when you go around killing people and not giving it a second thought! I know the fact that she was killing her family is supposed make me feel sorry for her, but I just didn't. But then again I had no love for her character from the beginning.
The writing itself wasn’t bad, the dialogue seemed a little irregular to me at times, but I just couldn’t get past the aforementioned complaint to find myself enjoying the read. There are other reviewers out there that liked it, I”ll list some links below so you can check those out. I guess this book just wasn’t for me.
Book Review Maniac
Bookluver Carol
Writer's Block Reviews
All Five Stars
The Book Vault