Vibes by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Release Date: October 6, 2008
Publihser: Houghton Mifflin
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 256
Kristi Carmicheal lost more than her father the day he walked out on her and her mother. She lost her best friend Hildie and her ability to trust. The fact that she can read minds only helps solidify her negative outlook on the people around her. She can hear what they are really thinking about her.
She’s heard it all: sick, psycho, bitch, ugly, troublemaker. Kristi knows exactly what everyone thinks about her, or so she thinks.
I couldn’t put this book down! It was hilarious and somehow at the same time extremely honest and raw. I was a little worried when within the first six pages ginormous boobs, big-breasted, watermelon-size gazungas and other variations of the word seemed to be all over the place, but either it cut down some, or I just got used to it.
I really enjoyed Kristi’s character and besides our namesake she shares some of my finer qualities. Sarcasm, sarcasm, and sarcasm. She also has a "I don’t give a shit" attitude, and is brutally honest you can’t help but love her.
As the plot started to develop, I had another nervous moment. I thought Vibes was going to take the predictable route when it comes to the popular guy/black sheep girl relationship. But I was surprised and relieved with the way the plot played out. Ryan’s depiction of high school, couldn’t have been any more real. It was just as hideous as I remembered it! I love the topic of beauty that is displayed in the novel. What makes a person good looking– popularity, individuality, personality, acne, health?
Thought-provoking, heart-wrenching, humorous, powerful, are just some of the adjectives that define this novel.
Highly Recommended!