The YA Connection is a collaborative column collected by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). In it can be found links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests links, author blog links, review links, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the age group. Also, Kristi and Steph hold weekly contests accompanying the column, as well as a book and author spotlight.
If you're a blogger, author or publicist looking to have your links added, please email me. Any book donations for giveaways are also greatly appreciated. Please note that the spotlights are not up to suggestion, but rather decided by both Kristi and Steph.
Don't forget to head over to Steph's blog Reviewerr X and sign up for this weeks contest. The secret word this week is diazingiber (which is supposedly a kind of ginger candy). For all the information on how to enter head over to Reviewer X!
YA Connection
Week of September 27- October 3
Contests (compiled by Steph)
Check out Bloomsbury's official How To Ditch Your Fairy contest.
Brooke Taylor (Undone) is having a Monster Month Giveaway - check out this week's prizes!
Cheryl Herbsman (Breathing) is offering an ARC of Breathing, the deadline is Oct. 11! Let Cheryl know that you heard about her contest on the YA Connection!
Author Musings (compiled by Steph)
Rachel Cohn (You Know Where to Find Me) and David Levithan's (How They Met) Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, the movie, debuted in cinemas on October 3rd! Rachel posted her opinion of it here here; David, here.

Caridad Ferrer (It's Not About The Accent) shares what it's like when your book is cancelled for publication. I know Kelly Parra also went through this with her first book deal. It's shocking, really.
It was Jay Asher's (Thirteen Reasons Why) birthday this week! The folks over at Disco Mermaids celebrated it while watching the vice-presidential debate.
Ally Carter (Cross My Heart and Hope To Spy) tells readers everywhere to not diminish their capacity because... well, you can go over to the actual post for the full story ;)

Justine Larbalestier (How To Ditch Your Fairy) sounds exhausted (but utterly thrilled) in her continuous book tour.
Teri Brown (Read My Lips) is hitting her stride in her new book...!

Elizabeth Scott's (Living Dead Girl) dog isn't doing spectacularly well at the moment. As a dog lover, Steph (me) feels for her. Oh, and as a side note: Elizabeth usually adds some great links at the bottom of her blog entries, so keep your eye out on her blog for that.
John Green (Paper Towns) posted the Paper Towns playlist. This is the first time he's done this for any of his books, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how fitting it is! There need be more hours in the day ...
Carrie Ryan (The Forest of Hands and Teeth) is going on a pre-pub tour! This is huge news! Go congratulate her!

Maureen Johnson (Suite Scarlett) gives the full back story on Let It Snow, her novel collaboration with John Green and Lauren Myracle.
Sara Zarr (Sweethearts) talks about some of the childhood crushes she had under the category of "Famous Men I Wish Were My Father".
Megan McCafferty (Fourth Comings) does a "The Circle of Namedropping Edition" - funny if not imaginative.

C.K. Kelly Martin (I Know It's Over): Likes the dead & the gone; can't wait to check out David Yoo's new title Stop Me if You've Heard This Before; is happy Teen Scene magazine is having their first ever sex issue available online.
Aprilynne Pike (Wings) posted a lovely new family picture, among other things.
Lisa Schroeder (I Heart You, You Haunt Me) links to some recent posts about author promotion and gives some very savvy commentary.

Lauren Barnholdt (Two-Way Street) posts on 10 things her future self would've told her past self if she could, about the publishing world. This is one of the posts Lisa Schroeder linked to, and it is excellent.
April Henry (Shock Point)'s post is also one Lisa linked to: Things You Should Do After You Sign Your Contract - But Before Your Book Is Published.
Author in the Spotlight

C.K. Kelly Martin
"Currently residing near Toronto with my Dub husband, I became an Irish citizen in 2001 and continue to visit Dublin often (although not as often as I'd like!) while working on teen novels. My first book, I Know It's Over, is due out with Random House in fall, 2008. One Lonely Degree will be released in May, 2009 and The Lighter Side of Life and Death is slated to come out May, 2010."
For the complete bio on author C.K. Kelly Martin, click here.
Blogger Blurbs (compiled by Kristi)
Em of Em's Bookshelf reviewed Sovay by Celia Rees. "So I'm not sure if this book was disappointing because I expected something different based on the cover description or if the character of Sovay just didn't click for me."

Angiegirl of Angieville reviewed Chalice by Robin McKinley. "Sigh. Chalice is a bit of the loveliness, to be sure. It is short and as sweet as the honey that pervades the story's every pore. In fact, just as Sunshine left me with a killer craving for cinnamon rolls, Chalice made me wish I was five years old again and sitting in the kitchen with my Grandpa sucking fresh honey straight off the comb."
Harmony of Harmony Book Reviews reviewed Sleepless by Terri Clark. "Sleepless is full of action, adventure, romance, and a little supernatural twist. The end result? A book that I recommend that everyone reads as soon as possible."

The Compulsive Reader reviewed Let It Snow by Lauren Myracle, John Green and Maureen Johnson. "All three stories are cleverly woven together, along with each author's inimitable style and brand of humor."
Casey of Read a Great Teen Book reviewed Graceling by Kristin Cashore. "Graceling has a strong heroine who knows what she wants but isn't exactly sure how to get it, and despite her Grace is a very loving and sensitive person."
Tempestt of Temppatt reviewed The Center of the Universe Yep, That Would be Me by Anita Liberty. "I thought this book rocked! Anita gives valuable evidence that being a teenager does suck and show you how to get though it, by having fun criticizing it."
Dominique of The Book Vault reviewed Sleepless by Terri Clark. "Sleepless was a well written, suspenseful story that’ll keep readers hooked from page one!"

The Book Spot reviewed All American Girl by Meg Cabot, Kiss Me, Kill Me by Lauren Henderson, and Invisible Touch by Kelly Para.

Thebookworm of Au Courant reviewed The Dragon Heir by Cinda Williams Chima. "The Dragon Heir was another series disappointer."
Megan of Simply Books reviewed City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. "I still can't believe how amazing this trilogy is!"
Aella of Charybdis Reviews reviewed Gone by Michael Grant. "This book felt a little bit like young X-Men on radioactive crack. From the first few pages I was drawn into the story and completely interested in the characters."

Kyle of Book Review Maniac reviewed Diamond of Darkhold by Jeanna DuPrau. "This was another wonderful book in the Ember series. Ms. DuPrau had me holding on to every single page of this book."
Book Adorer reviewed Francey by Marin Dubow, Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber, and Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Book Chic reviewed Poison Ink by Christopher Golden. "The book in the beginning was not terribly compelling, but about halfway through the book is where it got to be a page-turner, and that ending more than made up for the almost lackluster start."
Bookluver-Carol reviewed The Latent Powers of Dylan Fontaine by April Lurie and Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer.
Just Blinded Book Reviews reviewed Blackbox by Julie Schmumacher, Vamps by Nancy A. Collins and I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder.

Liv of Liv's Book Reviews reviewed Paper Towns by John Green. "The book is the kind that will hook you from the first page with its flowing, snarky, and detailed prose, and keep you reading until the very last letter because not only is it witty and captivating, it is meaningful and oozes with intelligence and realism."
Lenore of Presenting Lenore reviewed Fabulous Terrible by Sophie Talbot. "I was really impressed with the writing. The dialogue and inner monologues were snappy and hip without resorting to the kind of pop culture name dropping that ages a book all too quickly."

Kayla of Midnight Twilight's Book Blog reviewed Skinned by Robin Wasserman. "I love how the future was depicted in this book, the pink sky sounds totally cool, but the fact that it's all pollution is kind of scary."
Heather of Plenty of Paper reviewed It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. "Ned Vizzini's writing is clever and has a unique voice which transcends the gap between writer and character."
The Book Muncher reviewed Wherever Nina Lies by Lynn Weingarten. "I was immensely impressed with this solid debut novel. Weingarten shows a mastery of her skill with words, especially when manipulating the plot."

Lauren of Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf reviewed Evernight by Claudia Gray. "If someone asked me to describe Evernight in one word I would say gripping without thinking twice. It picked me up with the mystery and romance in the first chapter letting it seem to me I couldn't put it down for a long period of time."
Nicole of Word for Teens reviewed Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox by Eoin Colfer and Under the Jolly Roger by L.A. Meyer.
Book in the Spotlight

"Pure. Unplanned. Perfect. Those were Nick's summer plans before Sasha stepped into the picture. With the collateral damage from his parent's divorce still settling and Dani (his girl of the moment) up for nearly anything, complications are the last thing he needs.
All that changes, though, when Nick runs into Sasha at the beach in July. Suddenly he's neck-deep in a relationship and surprised to find he doesn't mind in the least. But Nick's world shifts again when Sasha breaks up with him. Then weeks later, while Nick's still reeling from the breakup, she turns up at his doorstep and tells him she's pregnant, and with his emotions and hopes crashing in around him, Nick finds himself struggling once more to understand the girl he can't stop caring for, the girl who insists that it's still over."
Harmony of Harmony Book Reviews had a guest post with author C. Leigh Purtill (All About Vee) and an interview with author Terri Clark (Sleepless).
Tasha of And Another Book Read and interviewed author Jeanne DuPrau (The City of Ember). Kyle from Book Review Maniac also interviewed Jeanne.
From the Corner of Megan's Mind posted a mini-interview with author Daria Snadowsky (Anatomy of a Boyfriend).
Hope of Hope's Bookshelf had a guest post with author Beth Fehlbaum (Courage in Patience).
Liv of Liv's Book Reviews interviewed author Anna Levine (Freefall).
Our Reviews
Kelsey of Reading Keeps You Sane interviewed author Kitty Keswich (Freaksville).
The Book Muncher interviewed authors Lynn Messina (Savvy Girl) and Beth Fehlbaum (Courage in Patience).
Our Reviews
Kristi reviewed: In Your Room by Jordanna Fraiberg, Severd Ties by Kevin Krohn, and Prom Queen Geeks by Laura Preble.
Steph reviewed: Total Knockout: Tale of an Ex-Class President by Taylor Morris and Anatomy of a Boyfriend by Daria Snadowsky.
These cool people stopped by The Story and commented on a review or post! I just wanted to thank you personally for stopping by!
TruBlu93 of Starry Night.
Hylianvampire of Hylianvampire.
Carol of Bookluver-Carol Reviews.
Lauren of Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf.
Khyrinthia of Frenetic Reader.
Kelsey of Reading Keep You Sane.
The Bookworm of Au Courant.
Meredith of Meredith's Musings.
Rebekah E.
Carmen T.
Amee of The Chick Manifesto.
Diana Dang of Stop, Drop and Read.
Lenore of Presenting Lenore.
Tempestt of Temppatt.
Sarahbear9789 of Sarah's random musings.
Book Chic of Book Chic.
Lisa Schroeder author of I Heart You, You Haunt Me.
Alea of Pop Culture.
Jen Robinson of Cybils.
Megan Frazer author of Secrets of Truth and Beauty.
Breanna of B is for Books.
Book~Adorer of Book~Adorer Forever Reading.
Heather of What Was I Reading?
Alyssa of The Shady Glade.
Ink Mage of The Magic of Ink.
Em of Em's Bookshelf.
Liv of Liv's Book Reviews.
Shooting Stars Mag of Shooting Stars Mag.
cat of Beyond Books.
In other news...
Chelsea (The Page Flipper) and Lauren (Shooting Stars Mag) have started the auction to benefit First Book. The first book to be auctioned off is Quiet Please by Scott Douglas.
Don't forget to head of to the Cybils page and cast your nominations!
On a more personal note. I have 47 followers! I think that is the coolest thing ever! Thank you to all of my "followers"! And I totally mean that in a non cult leader kind of way.
I'm thinking of having another big contest soon... I have a few ideas, but I'd like to hear from you. What kind of prizes do you guys like? I'm sure books, but do you like the books to be prechosen of would you rather choose? Besides books what other things would you be interesting in winning?
I can’t believe that I forgot to mention this!
I will be posting the book trailer for the highly anticipated novel In Too Deep!! It’s the sequel to The Elite by Jennifer Banash! Stay tuned because I will be posting the trailer sometime this week! And you will only find it here at The Story!!! There will also be a contest along with the trailer release for a signed ARC of In Too Deep!!!