Girls Inc. Presents: You’re Amazing! A No-Pressure Guide to Being Your Best Self by Claire Mysko
Release Date: July 1, 2008
Publisher: Adams Media
Age Group: Girls ages 10 and up!
Pages: 176
“You've heard it all before: Get good grades. Keep your room clean. Wear the right clothes. Try new extracurricular activities. And why don't you have a boyfriend? All these demands can be mind-boggling!What's a girl to do? Girls Inc. Presents: You're Amazing! is a guide to help you deal with the amount of pressure you endure to be "perfect."
In this fun and enthusiastic, not-your-mother's book, you'll get advice on not-so-easy topics, including how to:
- Deal with stereotypes and cliques
- Figure out the best way to balance school and a social life
- Navigate the crushes and dating world
- Find a place in your family
I’m not a big ambassador of self help books, not that I have something against them. Because I don’t. I’ve just never had the need for one, since I’m just about as perfect as you can be! Okay so maybe I exaggerated a little bit... With all kidding aside though, this book was great! I would have loved to have had access to it when I was younger. It has helpful suggestions and tips for just about everything, but at the same time it doesn’t make you feel bad about being the person you are! It’s brilliant! Having problems with stress, there’s a section for that! Questions about relationships, it’s in there too! I loved the real life examples, they made me feel less like a freak! It’s a fun, read! Yes, fun! I learned a multitude of things and it was fun doing it. I feel like a better person just having read this guide.