Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
Release Date: September 2, 2008
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Age Group: Young Adult, 16 and up
Pages: 176
“Alice was only ten years old when she was abducted by Ray during a class trip. Now fifteen, she is a shell of a girl who has suffered constant, indescribable physical and mental abuse. Trapped in a tiny world that Ray has created for her. Alice prays for the one thing that can release her: death. Instead, something worse happens– Ray commands Alice to find him a new girl. Someone young, who can be taught to be the perfect little girl he craves. Could this be the solace Alice has prayed for? Of will it be her final step from humanity to a place so dark she can truly never return.”
Elizabeth Scott is a genius. A literary genius. I’ve read some of Elizabeth’s other titles, and I find myself wondering, how can these be written by the same person. And I don’t mean that in a Stephenie Meyer/Breaking Dawn way. To have that kind of diverse talent, it is simply effing amazing.
I read this book in one setting. It is truly powerful. The emotion– sadness, despair it’s so apparent it’s freaky. How can I say that I loved a book about abduction, sexual abuse, and suffering? Why do you look out your car window when you drive by the scene of an accident, do you want to see a dead, possibly mutilated body? No, of course not. But I did, I loved it. It was a masterpiece. And not because of what it was about, but because of how it made me feel.
It’s gripping, enthralling and completely horrifying. The most disturbing parts aren’t even written, but left to the reader to fill in the sickening details. I’ve read suggestions that this book shouldn’t be targeted to a teen audience. Why? Because ignorance is bliss? Because we don’t need to add to the things that teenagers are desensitized to? Don’t worry if you ignore the situation it will go away. That’s how our society deals with those things, right? Just sweep it under the rug. No one will have to know that the world is a dirty place. Do you ever have one of those moments where you want to let out a good frustrated scream... yeah, this is one of those times...
Elizabeth Scott you’re my hero.