Nancy Viau is the author for this Thursday's Author Tales. Nancy is the author of the Middle Grade novel, Samantha Hansen has Rocks in Her Head. You can check out my review here. Don't forget to leave a comment to gain an entry in the Monthly Contest!
So I had a chance to interview the super-fab Nancy Viau about her new Middle Grade novel, Samantha Hansen has Rocks in Her Head.
Okay, so I thought Samantha was one of the cutest books! Where did you come up with the premise for Samantha Hansen has Rocks in Her Head?
All around me I see kids who have trouble controlling their tempers. I always wonder, What the heck are they so mad about? A lot of what comes out of their mouths is really funny because they don't think about what they're saying; they just spit it out. Sometimes, it's hard not to laugh. (FYI: The parents who are trying to keep their kids under control don't want to catch you giggling.) But underneath the tough exteriors, I know that kids' immature minds are working a mile a minute trying to figure out how to fit in, how to be unique, and how to be cool. It's a big world out there—a world filled with annoying siblings, family troubles, bullies, homework stress, competitive sports, peer pressure, and general information overload. There's a lot to handle. I thought that a book with a character who struggles with anger would give kids a chance to see that it's all a part of growing up. I had the idea to add the science element and the list-making because Sam not only needed something she could excel in, she needed an outlet for ordering her chaotic world.
That's really interesting! What appealed to you as an author writing MG novels.

Middle-grade kids are open to reading all sorts of stuff. Some are deciding what they love about reading and what to read. They may enjoy stories of princesses, wizards, and vampires, or contemporary tales of kids like themselves. But on other days, they could be into reading a nonfiction book about snot or germs or clouds that look like dinosaurs.
Snot, I always enjoy reading novels about snot. Can we expect a novel about snot from you in the future... no wait don't answer that. Although I really would like to know, are you planning on writing anymore novels?
Sure. I’m working on two very different middle-grades right now.
Very exciting! Obviously you must love what you do. What would you consider the best thing about being a writer?
You get to set your own goals, and decide if you want to work hard and long enough to get each one accomplished.

Who or what inspired you to become a writer?
Hmmm, for me, inspiration to be a writer came after many years of changing diapers, getting kids off to school, and working. Shortly after my youngest went off to preschool (YAY!), I sat down at the computer to commit a few crazy story ideas to paper, and once I did, I was hooked. Every day I wanted to find out how to get good at this thing that kept me staring at a monitor long into the night, so like many other wannabe authors I joined SCBWI, started a crit group, went to conferences, and just kept writing and writing. It’s kind of addicting, you know.
What about all those future writers out there. Do you have any words of wison or advice for them?
Write and write and write. Don’t quit. Take a break, take a class, go to a conference, learn, refresh, rewrite, network, but keep pushing forward.
Besides writing, do you enjoy any other hobbies?
Nah, not really. If I have down time, I use it to write or read, go to the gym, do laundry, clean, or cook. (Well, I suppose you could call what I do “cooking.”) I confess I also spend time searching the Internet for cheap flights and adventure vacations I dream of taking.
I do the same thing! I love planning my dream vacations. I wish I had more time to travel. What are some of your favorite places?
I just love to be on the go. Anywhere. I inherited this wunderlust from my dad who felt the same. It didn’t matter if we were going across town for really yummy ice cream or heading to some unknown place to camp. Now, I especially love to venture to areas free of smog, trash, traffic, skyscrapers, noise, and a ton of people. Colorado ranks pretty high on my list. Can’t seem to get enough of that place.
I have yet to visit Colorado, I'll have to be sure and go there some day. A few fun questions. Do you have any television shows you watch obsessively or an all time favorite movie?
TV shows I can’t miss include: So You Think You Can Dance, Grey’s Anatomy, and Law and Order. I also get magically glued to the TV when the kids have on Drake and Josh. And two movies I never tire of are: Ever After with Drew Barrymore and George of the Jungle with Brendan Fraser. George sports some killer biceps in that show, and well, other killer body parts I won’t mention. My all-time favorite actor is Will Smith, and I’ll watch anything with him in it.
I love Ever After! Great re-telling of Cinderella. What about books, are you currently reading anything?
I’ve just started New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. My daughter won’t leave me alone until I’ve completed the entire series. (“Mom, have you gotten to the part…?” “Mom, wait until you see what happens in Eclipse where…!”)
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I love that I get to answer these questions and chat with people like you. Thanks so much!
Ditto Nancy! Thanks for taking the time out of your day!
For more information on Nancy Viau and Samantha Hansen has Rocks in Her Head, you can visit the following links: