I have a dirty little secret. I claim to be this notable Young Adult literature maestro of sort, and yet I find myself seriously lacking on my end of the spectrum. I’m almost embarrassed to post about this. But I’m just going to do it and get it all out in the open... here’s a list of super fabulous, well I’ve heard their super fab, YA authors that I have yet to read, and how I plan to remedy my lack of:
Judy Blume: I like to think of her as the mother of YA, and yet I have never read one of her novels. Although to my defense, I did buy a copy of Forever.
Maureen Johnson: I own a copy of Suite Scarlett.
Beth Kephart: I own a copy of House of Dance and I have an ARC of Nothing but Ghosts. I will read a Kephart novel this year!
David Levithan: Just bought a copy of Are We There Yet?, which I’ve never even heard of, but hopefully it will be a good representation of Levithan.
Justine Larbalestier: Just bought a copy of Magic or Madness.
Sarah Mlynowski: Okay technically I’ve read her, but it was How to Be Bad with two other authors, so I’m not really counting it. But I do have a copy of Bras and Broomsticks and Parities and Potions to read.
Stephanie Hale: I had Revenge of the Homecoming Queen and Twisted Sisters on my bookshelf forever, I just need to read them!
Ann Brashares: I’ve never read the Sisterhood novels, but I love the movies. I do currently have a copy of 3 Willows to read!
Rachel Cohn: Don’t own any of her books... I’m going to have to work on that!
Tamora Pierce: This one really surprises even me, because I know I would love her novels... anyone have any recommendations?
Kate Brian: She has the whole Private series... I’m thinking maybe I should pick one up.
John Green: I’m thinking my library has Looking for Alaska.
Okay, I’m just going to stop now before I embarrass myself even further! So, that’s my dirty little secret. You were hoping for something juicier...?
Am I all alone in this sea of shame, or are there others out there like me?