In light of certain events, I just want to clarify a few things. I received an email this week from a fellow blogger that has been receiving complaints about my content, the only content mentioned was "In My Mailbox." It appears that there is a similar mailbox meme called Mailbox Monday.
I wasn’t aware of this meme during the creation of In My Mailbox, as it is featured on an adult literature blog. It was also stated in the email that other bloggers felt as though I was stepping on their toes. Personally, I only read a few if any adult lit. blogs. I feel as though these are two different circles in the book blog world. I’m not trying to step on toes, I’m just here to have fun and spread the word about good books. Period.
Actually my post was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. (I mentioned this is my first post... sorry Alea for stealing, your idea.) In my defense...and I really don’t feel like I need to explain myself, but I’m going to anyway. While I LOVE Alea’s blog, I wouldn’t consider her a book blog, per se, she’s more or an entertainment connoisseur than strictly book business. She posts mostly about the insane book deals she gets, and I wanted to get people talking about upcoming books... like when I get ARCs in my mailbox! It’s more of an informative/advertisement perspective that I was going for. So, that’s it... that’s why I started it, and plus, I’m really nosy and want to know what everyone else is getting. It’s fun! And that’s what I want my blog to be about... fun!
In Alea’s defense, she has never said anything negative to me pertaining to this issue, she actually participates in this meme! She is a wonderful person and a very nice fellow blogger. I love her and her blog.
And now that all that b.s. is out of the way, lets get on with the goods...
In My Mailbox explores the contents of my mailbox on a weekly basis. Of course I only mention the really cool things, like books! If you would like to participate and have your own “In My Mailbox” post, you can find more information here.
It was a very slow week for me in mailbox land. But you will have those more often than not. I received two books for review this week (thanks Harper Teen for the love) and two from fellow reviewers! Just a warning.. the summary for Vamp Diaries has some SPOILERS!!

The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Nightfall by L.J. Smith
Elena Gilbert is alive—again.
When Elena sacrificed herself to save the two vampire brothers who love her—the handsome, brooding Stefan and the sleek and dangerous Damon—she was consigned to a fate beyond death. Until a powerful supernatural force pulled her back.
Now Elena is not just human. She has powers and gifts that were bestowed on her in the afterlife. What's more, her blood pulses with an overwhelming and unique force that makes her irresistible to any vampire.
Stefan wants to find a way to keep Elena safe so that they can make a life together. Damon, however, is driven by an insatiable desire for power, and wants Elena to rule as his princess. When Stefan is lured away from Fell's Church, Damon seizes his chance to convince her that he is the brother she is meant to be with. . . .
But a darkness is infiltrating the town, and Damon, always the hunter, is now the hunted; he becomes the prey of a malevolent creature that can possess him at will, and who desires not just Elena's blood but her death.
YAY!! Can I just say I've been waiting for this for over ten years!!

Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison (May 26, 2009)
Madison's prom was killer- literally. For some reason she's been targeted by a dark reaper- yea, that kind of reaper- intent on getting rid of her, body and soal. But Madison realizes she has to take control of her own fate once and for all, before it takes control of her. Well, if she believed in that stuff.

Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith
At last, Miranda is the life of the party: all she had to do was die. Elevated and adopted by none other than the reigning King of the Mantle of Dracul, Miranda goes from high-school theater wannabe to glamorous royal fiend overnight. Meanwhile, her reckless and adoring guardian angel, Zachary, demoted to human guise as the princess’s personal assistant, has his work cut out for him trying to save his girl’s soul and plan the Master’s fast-approaching Death Day gala. In alternating points of view, Miranda and Zachary navigate a cut-throat eternal aristocracy as they play out a dangerous and darkly hilarious love story for the ages.
Thanks to Speedreader of My Favorite Author for this one!
And last but not least... for some reason I can't find a summary for this one,

Radiant Darkness by Emily Whitman
Thanks to Tirzah of The Compulsive Reader!
Okay so now you know what's in mine, what did you get in yours? You can sign the Mr. Linky below, if you would, please link your actual post, so that it is easier to find! Thanks!