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Blog Questions Answered

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I thought I would answer a few questions that were asked during the Blog Tips posts:

Where do you get a counter?

This is a really good question! It seems like book blogs have had this influx of popularity within the last six months, and I’ve noticed that lots of authors and publishers are interested in blog stats. So gathering legitimate stats is becoming an important aspect to your blog.

I have a Site Meter counter, which seems to be pretty accurate most of the time. You have to sign up at the site and then copy and past a code on your blog, it’s pretty easy.

Here are some other links for counters:

Easy Counter

If you have a Blogger account you also have access to some really good site feedback via google!

Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics.

These are two really good resources for gathering stats and info on your blog!

How did you make your star rating?

It's super easy! I just made my stars in paint or a photo editing software and then saved them to my computer. Then I uploaded the image onto a photo server, I use photobucket.

Then once I'm ready to post my rating I just paste the code.

I made an individual image for one star and then another with two stars and so on. But you can also upload the one single image and then repeat the code for as many stars as you want.

I can go into a little more detail if you still need help! And you don't have to use stars either! Find an image that represents and goes well with your blog!

How do you handle negative reviews?

Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and when it comes to books it isn't any different. If you have reasons you don't like a book, be sure to say why. Don't just bash a novel without giving reasons why you didn't particularly like it. Because needless to say, there are some people that might not feel the same way about certain aspects as you, and it's always good to give that insight.

I've only given two "one star" reviews out of all the reviews I've posted, and I think I did a good job of explaining what I didn't' like.

Did you have a lot of visitors when you started?

Um, no! I'm not even really sure how many I had... I didn't get sitemeter until around April and I'd had my blog for six months at that time. I had another less accurate counter, so who knows. If comments count for any, I was lucky to get one! Most of us do start at the bottom of the barrel! And there is only one way to go, if you're on the bottom!

Why do you do your blog?

Because it's FUN! And I love to read, I know that's such an unoriginal answer, but it's true!

If there are any other questions leave them in the comments and I'll try to answer those as well!