There are going to be some slight changes coming up, concerning things here at TSS.
I will no longer be doing Author Tales after May. I will still be having interviews, just not on a weekly basis. My original idea for Author Tales was to have guest posts, because honestly I find them more interesting than interviews. But 98.9% of the time authors prefer to do interviews, which I can’t say that I blame them, since it’s a lot easier. But I’m not a good interviewee, I absolutely lack the creative thinking for intriguing questions. Thus, I think it’s time to move on.
Also, I’m trying to think of a special award to give books that totally knock my socks off. For instance some sites have the coveted “Gold Star” award. But I’m looking for something a little different, and I’m having a hard time coming up with something. The “Golden Sea-Shell” award just doesn’t have quite the ring I’m going for...or does it? Does anyone have any suggestions?
I’m also thinking about changing the header. I’m not sure what exactly I’m doing at this point, but I’ll be sure to bring the mermaid back, I know how much she is loved!
Something very cool has been happening lately... I've been getting fan mail! Yes me a big nobody! Thanks to all you! You know who you are!
I'm thinking of doing a vlog for my IMM post, this Sunday. Dare I even try?