TMI by Sarah Quigley
Release Date: April 16, 2009
Publisher: Dutton
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 288
Friends call Becca the Overshare Queen, but her tendency for TMI never seemed like a problem to her until she blabs about her sweet band-geek boyfriend’s sloppy kisses—and gets dumped! Realizing it may be better to resist the temptation to overshare face-to-face, Becca decides to blog anonymously about everything instead. On her blog, Too Much Information, Becca unleashes her alter ego, Bella. Bella tells it like it is . . . though perhaps with a bit more drama. After all, no one’s going to read it, right???
I think everyone has had a TMI moment at one time in their life. Becca unfortunately has a ton of them! The girl had me rolling on the floor. Well I guess Sarah Quigley had me rolling on the floor!
I felt like I was stepping back in to my small town high school when I was reading this book. The characters held a overwhelming sense of deja-vu. I’m not exactly sure it that made this a more enjoyable read, but it did hold a more realistic aspect for me.
Personally I related more to Becca’s friend Katie. I’m not a big talker, I usually won’t initiate a conversation and have a hard time butting in unless I’ve been spoken too directly. So the fact that Katie and Becca were able to maintain such a close friendship wasn’t a surprise to me.
The blog entries where a little out there for me. They were funny, but at times it was a little too much for my liking. Even so the overall message was well displayed.
Great characterization, witty dialogue, and an original plot make this a notable debut novel.