This is why I love reading YA and blogging about it! This is a comment from a super enthused reader, and I just couldn't help but smile to know how excited this person was about this book (Vampire Diaries):
OMG these books are awesome!!!!!! I just read Nightfall a little while ago. I completely FREAKED out when i heard nightfall was going to be mostly in Damon's point of view. Everyone at my school whose read the series thinks damon's the best character.
lol i just now remembered that when i finished the twilight series i was really mad because of breaking dawn's ending i was all like "YOU CALL THAT A RESOLUTION?!" and then when i finished dark reunion i was like "WHAT ABOUT DAMON'S HAPPY ENGING HUH?!" and then i was so mad at lj that i started reading twilight again... only to remember how much i hated the ending of the series and then FINALLY i was released from smeyers weirdo spell that wont let you put her books down and i realized "Hey, the Vampire Diaries are WAY better than Twilight!"
seriously vd is like healthier for your brain like twilight you cant seem to put it down but with twilight it has this weird effect that makes you obsess over it which is soooo unhealthy its like theres this weird twilight spell or something but VD is just so good that you dont want to put it down, but twilight is IMPOSSIBLE to put down even though i absolutely HATE the endings to the books its like its superglued to my hands which is REALLY seriously annoying and unhealthy besides VD is WAYYYYYYY better in my opinion
P.S. I typed that in 7 minutes believe it or not
P.P.S Everyone is saying that LJ copied SMeyer but that is SO not true because the books came out YEARS before twilight its just that VD is just now really becoming popular because of all the twilight hype and everyone thinks twilight was first If one authors copying the other s meyer is copying LJ.
P.P.P.S...JK!!! I'm done! (I bet you're relieved) Geeze who knew a book could get me so excited, im usually the quiet type...