My computer is fixed! Unfortunately I lost everything... which really isn't that bad, because I had all the important stuff backed up. But my reviews are gone, although I only had a few written up, so that isn't too bad either. Let's just say it could have been a lot worse.
I'm working on replying to my emails, so If you've sent one in the last few days, I will be getting back to you shortly.
I've had a few people tell me that the new design was causing a slow load time, so I've tried to fix that. I had to take a few widgets off, that I didn't really want to, but I hope it's coming up a little faster because of that.
I think I'll be doing a Books to Pine for Post tomorrow because that is always fun! Thanks for sticking through this week!
The blog roll is insane! Wasn't expecting quite that many, but we'll do it! Might make a special page for it rather than placing it on the sidebar, guess I'll see.