In My Mailbox explores the contents of my mailbox on a weekly basis. Of course I only mention the really cool things, like books! If you would like to participate and have your own “In My Mailbox” post, you can find more information here. (This post was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.)
How Do You Get All Those BOOKS!?
I had another spectacular week in books this week and I didn't even buy any this time!
This week I had a visit from one of my favorite book people! My personal Book Fairy Heather sent me another wonderful batch of books! I didn't take any pictures of the box like last time, I was too excited to find my camera! I mean do you remember the totally awesome books she sent last time... here's a peek at what was inside:

The Goldsmith's Daughter by by Tanya Landman (ARC/Walker Books/June 2, 2009) The ARC cover looks different than this one. The ARC has an Aztec pyramid with falling rose petals... I'm not sure which one I prefer.
The Uninvited by Tim Wynne-Jones (ARC/Candlewick/May 12, 2009). This one sounds super freaky! And the cover gives me the chills too!
Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles (ARC/Candlewick/August 11, 2009) Jo also wrote Lessons from a Dead Girl, which I have yet to read. The tag line for this is "One pregnancy. Four friends. It all adds up to a profound time of change in this poignant, sensitively written YA novel." Interested yet?

The Stone Child by Dan Poblocki (ARC/Random House/August 25, 2009). "What if monsters from your favorite books were real?" muhahahaha! Sounds very good!
Prism by Faye Kellerman and Aliza Kellerman (ARC/HaperCollins/June 23, 2009). This one is set in an alternate universe.. sounds different. Let's just hope this mother/daughter team tell a good story... unlike that other mother/daughter team, that will remain unnamed. You know who I'm talking about Laura.

The Comeback by Marlene Perez (ARC/Point/August 1, 2009). You might recognize Marlene's name, because she also wrote that book: Dead is the New Black... which I also have yet to read. Popular girl getting overthrown, interesting.
The Real Real by Emma Mclaughlin and Nicola Kraus (ARC/HarperTeen/May 19, 2009) For some reason the cover for this one reminds of Airhead and Being Nikki by Meg Cabot. This one is about a girl starring in a "documentary" being filmed at her high school.

The EverAfter by Amy Huntley (ARC/HarperCollins/September 29, 2009). The ARC title on this one is just The After... not to be be confused with After also by an Amy, Amy Efaw to be exact. The EVERAFTER, is not about dumping your baby in the dumpster, but seems to be about your afterlife.
Duplikate by Cherry Cheva (ARC/HarperTeen/September 29, 2009). So very excited to read this because I LOVED She's So Money by Cherry!

Fire by Kristin Cashore (ARC/Dial/October 5, 2009). Yes I got another copy of Fire. I CAN'T WAIT to read it! I think I'm giving this copy to Sharon. She said she would trade her soul for this book. Just so you know Sharon, I am expecting payment.
Hunger by Michael Grant (ARC/HarperTeen/May 26, 2009). Finally... I got a copy!! I'm even quoted in this one for GONE! How cool is that! I love Michael Grant.

L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad (ARC/ HarperCollins/June 16, 2009). Don't act like your not jealous! I actually read the first couple pages of this one, just to see... and don't throw stones, but it actually wasn't that bad.
Another Faust by Daniel And Dina Nayeri (ARC/Candlewick/August 25, 2009) I think a brother and sister wrote this one together. I've seen the cover around, but wasn't really sure what is was about. I thought it looked like a photo-op for America's Bitchiest Teen or something of that sort. But it actually sounds pretty good. I'm interested.

Secrets of Truth and Beauty by Megan Frazer and Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover by Ally Carter. These are both repeats too. I'm very excited to read them though! I have yet to read the first two books from Ally's series, but luckily I've snagged myself some copies!
I also got a few ARCs that I couldn't find covers for:
Secret Society by Tom Dolby (HarperTeen/September 29, 2009). For some reason as soon as I read the back of the ARC, I thought the Skulls! You know the movie, right?
Karma for Beginners by Jessica Blank (Hyperion/August 18, 2009) I read Jessica's novel Almost Home and loved it, so I'm really looking forward to reading her newest work! If you haven't read Almost Home... you SOOO should!
Snap by Carol Snow (HarperTeen/August 25, 2009) Carol also wrote Switch! Another book I need to read. I'm really looking forward to reading this one!! She takes pictures... of dead people! Plus, Michael Grant said this was a good one... so it must be.
For Review:

Donut Days by Lara Zielin (ARC/Putnam/August 6, 2009).
Lara sent me this one for review. And she sent me a gf to Dunkin Donuts! How cool is that! I'm usually a Krispy Kreme fan, but they closed our KK last sunday, which I was VERY upset about it. So now I'm going to have to go try out the DD compliments of Lara. I'm sure her book will be just as sweet!

My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman (ARC/Henry Hold/September 29, 2009). Battle of the best friends and it's supposed to be funny. Sign me up!
I also got a few books, that I'm too lazy to look up covers for, because honestly they don't sound like my kind of book. I'll probably end up donating them to the library.
Kaleidoscope Eyes by Jen Bryant
The Other Half of Life by Kim Ablon Whitney
Winter Wood by Steve Augarde

Dull Boy by Sarah Cross (Dutton/May 14, 2009) I got this one because I'm part of Traveling to Teens book tour that will be featuring this books. And I'm super psyched to read this! I love super heroes! Sometimes I even get on the marvel site and create my own superhero...that might look like my alter-ego... but you did not hear that from me!
How to Buy a Love of Reading by Tanya Egan Gibson (Dutton/May 14, 2009) This one sounds pretty good. I do not have any love for the cover though... I am a cover whore what can I say.
YA Book Swap/BookMooch/PaperBack Swap:
- The Princess and the Hound by Mette Ivie Harrison
- Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
- Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress by Tina Ferraro (This completes by Tina collection!)
- If We Kiss by Rachel Vail
- Aurelia by Anne Osterlund
- Torched by April Henry and Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon from YAN! Thanks YAN
Okay so now you know what's in mine, what did you get in yours? You can sign the Mr. Linky below, if you would, please link your actual post, so that it is easier to find! Thanks!