Marilyn Kaye is the author of over 50 books! You might know her from a book titled Penelope, that was just made into a major motion picture starrting Christina Ricci and James McAvoy (so cute!). Marilyn has a new series out called Gifted. It's about a group of teens that discover they have "special abilities."
You can visit Marilyn Kaye at her website, or you can visit the Gifted series site.
Here's an interview with Marilyn:
Where did you get the idea for Gifted?
I was thinking about super-heroes and wondering what would happen to very ordinary middle-grade students if they discovered they had super-powers -- how would they know what to do with them?
If you could have a "power" what would it be and why?
I used to think it would be fun to have the power to disappear, so that I could see how other people really live. But then I would be spying on them, which isn't very nice, and I'd probably feel terrible about what I was doing!
Have you noticed a change in your "writers voice" from your first novels.
I'm not sure! I think that as I've grown and had more experiences, my characters have become more interesting, so the 'point of view' has become more sophisticated.
Do you have any “must haves” with you while you’re writing?
Yes -- I must have a view! I can't write when I'm looking at a wall -- I have to be able to see out of a window. And when the weather is nice, sometimes I take my pc out onto my little balcony and write there.
What's next for you?
I'm hoping to write at least 9 books in the Gifted series, so that each of the main characters can have his or her own book. I'm also working on some individual teen novels. One of the individual novels, Demon Chick, will be published in September.
Thanks Marilyn for that great interview!
Gifted: Out of Sight, Out of Mind and Gifted: Better Late than Never were released June 9, 2009!