Leah of Simply Nerdy tagged me last week for "What's on your desk Wednesday?" and since I didn't have a chance to do it last wednesday, I thought I'd do it this wednesday instead. I thought this was a pretty cool meme, and I haven't really saw it around. I guess the rules are that you list five bookish things and five non-bookish thing that are in your photo and then you tag five people. You're not supposed to clean your desk either... and mine was super messy! But here is a picture of my desk (well at least the part with my desktop, it's an l-shaped desk the other part is boring, that's where I do the bills and fun stuff like that!)
Okay so there here is my desk, it was pretty messy that day, it looks like I had a lot going on. I have to sit my keyboard on top even though it has one of those little slidy drawers. And yes I have a smooching picture. (And today is our anniversary.)
Five Bookish Things:
- I have two books on there: If the Witness Lied by Caroline Cooney and Style Naturally by Summer Rayne Oakes
- My green notebook. When I get a book for review, it gets written in the green notebook, with my green pen.
- My white binder, which is where I keep all of my press releases for the books I get. The press release for Front and Center by Catherine Gilbert Murdock is sitting on top.
- The whistle, with the red cord. I actually got this in the package that Front and Center came in? (Not sure why at this point?)
- My planner, which is where I keep track of all things going on in my life. Including but not limited to, book release dates, blog tour dates, dentist appointments, etc.
- My season one True Blood dvds. Although they could be considered bookish, since they are based on a book series.
- My sister's graduation invite. It's this weekend at 1 o'clock if you'd like to come.
- Chapstick. I have various chapsticks all over. I'm constantly putting it on, I have seriously chapped lips ALL THE TIME!
- My camcorder and my nintendo ds, which could count for two things...
- A coupon for a free light smoothie from Orange Julius, which I didn't use and it expired on June 19th.
- Alea of Pop Culture Junkie
- Eli of The Tainted Poet
- Mik of I Am Nonfiction
- Catt of The Dreamer Reader
- Kami Garcia