I'm going to the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago!
Mostly, okay almost entirely, due the most awesome person ever, Chelsea from The Page Flipper! Who will so graciously be attending with me! And her Edward Cullen obsessed friend Emili, who I got to meet at the Lisa McMann and Cassandra Clare signing in Cincinnati. We will be going to the exhibits on Saturday and Sunday. I am hyperventilating at the idea of going and being in the presence of so many great authors and books!
We're also going to head to Naperville on Sat. night for the Sarah Dessen and Laurie Halse Anderson signing at Anderson's Bookshop! Which would be fantastic enough it itself, because I LOVE Sarah Dessen and LHA! However, I'm very bummed to be missing out on the 2k9 event at Anderson's on Friday.
We're also going to try to squeeze in a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. And check out the Harry Potter exhibit they have there. Unfortunatly, I guess you can't take any pictures. But it would be spectacular to see, because I am a HUGE fan of the books and the movies.
Needless to say, I have been squee-ing all day at the prospect of going, and I'm sure I will find it extremely difficult to make it through the entire week!
If there are any authors or bloggers that will be atteneding the ALA Conference or the signing at Anderson's Bookshop I would love to hear about it! I've heard a rumor about a possible blogger meet-up at ALA... so if anyone knows anything about that let me know!