Coffeehouse Angel by Suzanne Selfors
Release Date: July 21, 2009
Publisher: Walker Books for Young Readers
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 288
From: author
Interest: plot
From the author of Saving Juliet comes a romantic comedy that is good to the last drop. When Katrina spots a homeless guy sleeping in the alley behind her grandmother’s coffee shop, she decides to leave him a cup of coffee, a bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans, and some pastries to tide him over. Little does she know that this random act of kindness is about to turn her life upside down. Because this adorable vagrant, Malcolm, is really a guardian angel on a break between missions. And he won’t leave until he can reward Katrina’s selflessness by fulfilling her deepest desire. Now if only she could decide what that might be . . .
Coffeehouse Angel is a light hearted, coffee induced, heavenly tale of love, friendship and family. Suzanne Selfors masterfully captures the essence of a small town and it’s often time quirky inhabitants. Those coffeehouse frequenters were a riot!
Something about Kartina didn’t sit well with me. For all her genuine concern, and caring personality, there was something perfectly annoying about her. The secondary characters, however, were enjoyable.
The thing that really made the book a pleasurable read for me was the overall story. It’s a great dose of realism. Trying to figure out what you’re good at, possibly good enough to do for the rest of your life, maintaining friendships, pressures of building a college applications... trying to succeed in being a “well rounded person.” Not to mention, a dreamy angel and a dose of magic.
Overall, a fun, entertaining, well written novel. Looking forward to reading more of Selfor’s novels!