Welcome to my very first Fresh Face Friday post! Fresh Face Friday is a look at some new bloggers around the blogosphere. Here are my fresh face finds for this friday:

Steph Bowe blogs over at Hey! Teenager of the Year. She's a teen Aussie and an aspiring author! Steph has awesome well written reviews, fantastic interviews, and she's already became an asset to the blogging community. She also runs The YA Blogosphere, which is a sister site to my own YA Book Blog Directory. Be sure to head over to Steph's blog and leave some love!

I just recently discovered Juju's blog Tales of Whimsy! I love how she breaks down her reviews! She's only been blogging for a few months, but she's already off to a great start! Be sure to stop by and welcome her to the community!
Amy of Books, Books, and More Books, is a 12 year old blogger from the U.K. She's a huge Twilight fan, and we both share a love for all things paranormal and fantasy! Amy's only been blogging for a few months, but she already has a great variety of content! Reviews, interviews and memes. Be sure to stop by Amy's blog and say hello!
That's it for this Friday's Fresh Faces. There are more great blogs to come. If you'd like to be spotlighted on Fresh Face Friday just follow the link. Fresh Face Friday is kind of a work in progress right now, I may or may not continue with this sort of layout. And Vania from Reverie Book Reviews is working on a button for me too! I'm open to feedback, so please feel free to leave me some! Have a great Friday!