The Dark Hunters: Volume 1 by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Release Date: July 7, 2009
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Age Group: 13+
Pages: 208
From: publisher
Interest: n/a
In the war against vampires, mankind has only one hope: The Dark-Hunters. Ancient warriors who died of brutal betrayal, the Dark-Hunters have sworn themselves into the service of the goddess Artemis to protect us.
It’s a pact with pretty good perks. Immortality, power, psychic abilities, wealth and a cool wardrobe. But it comes with a few drawbacks: fatal sun poisoning and a new, irreparable dental problem. But aside from the fangs and nocturnal lifestyle, it’s not so bad.
Until Kyrian meets the most frightening thing imaginable. An accountant who’s being hunted by one of the most lethal vampires out there. If Amanda Devereaux goes down, so does he and no offense, he doesn’t want to die (hence the whole immortality thing). And he doesn’t want humanity dead either which is a good thing for us since he and Amanda are all that stands between us and oblivion. Let’s hope they win.
From the wild imagination of Sherrilyn Kenyon comes the humorous and suspenseful manga debut of the #1 internationally bestselling Dark-Hunter series. The world of manga will never be the same again.
From what I can gather, and perhaps I should have done a little more research on this, but I believe this is based on Kenyon's Dark Hunter series of paranormal romance. Normally I wouldn't review a paranormal romance here, but the book specifically says that the intended audience is 13+. Once I read the book, I'd agree with the age suggestion.
This is the first manga style book that I've read, and I totally underestimated the appeal and addiction! The artwork was beautifully depicted! And it only took me a few moments to get into the grove of reading backwards in every way possible! Front to back, right to left, I think I've got it now!
The characters aren't really complex, since most of the actual writing is dialogue. While we are on the topic of dialogue, I should mention there was a lot of it, and a lot of back story. But perhaps that's normal for a manga? The story went really fast, lots of action involved and a little bit of a romance, but nothing steamy.
I don't think I'm going to do my regular star rating, because I'm not sure how to apply it to this style of story-telling. I'll just do an overall rating instead.
Overall, this was really different for me, but it was fun to read, and the story left me intrigued enough to want to read more. Perhaps I'll have to pick of Volume 2!