The Eternal Kiss: 13 Tales of Blood and Desire edited by Trisha Telep
Release Date: July 28, 2009
Publisher: Running Press
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 416
From: publisher
Interest: genre
There’s an allure to vampire tales that have seduced readers for generations. From Bram Stoker to Stephenie Meyer and beyond, vampire stories are here to stay. For those fresh-blooded fans of paranormal romance or for those whose hunt and hunger never dies, these stories have what readers want! This collection of original tales comes from some of the hottest, most popular, and best-selling YA writers, including:
Holly Black (Tithe)
Libba Bray (A Great and Terrible Beauty)
Melissa De La Cruz (Blue Blood)
Cassandra Clare (City of Bones)
Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampires)
Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie (Wicked)
Cecil Castellucci Queen of Cool)
Kelley Armstrong (The Awakening)
Maria V. Snyder (Poison Study)
Sarah Rees Brennan (The Demon’s Lexicon)
Lili St. Crow (Strange Angels)
Karen Mahoney
Dina James
They will make everyone a sucker for eternal kisses.
Although I own quite a few anthologies, The Eternal Kiss was the first I actually read. It was difficult initially, just being shown this short look into what could be a fantastic story and having it end all too soon. Thankfully by the third short story, I was addicted to these little samples of fang-tastic tales.
I loved the variety of writing styles. There were some authors I was familiar with and some ones I was introduced to. I always enjoy reading new authors and divulging in their literary stylings, so this was an extra treat. I’m surprised I’ve never thought to read an anthology sooner. I expected to have a one or two stories be really good, and the rest just be mediocre, but all 13 stories were really well balanced.
My favorites were:
Undead is Very Hot Right Now by Sarah Brennan – This was my favorite story in the anthology I have read Sarah Rees Brennan’s book The Demon’s Lexicon (recently released) and found that I really like her writing and her distinct brand humor, and it is really evident in this short story.
Basically this one is about a boy band. Doesn’t that sound horrible in itself! But with this band, and every other boy band you have, the “hot” one, the “cool” one, the “nerdy” one. You know what I’m talking about. Well this band had a vampire, Christian, and he is the “gimmick. The story is about him trying to fit in to his new world.
The Thirteenth Step by Libba Bray – This story is more in the “horror” category. A young girl finds a job at a safe house for recovering addicts, reeling from her home experience and her own sisters admittance into rehab. Unfortunately this home has a very distinct thirteen step program.
Passing by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié – I loved the premise of this one. It’s a post apocalyptic world, were vampires are trying to take over. Teens head to Spain to learn how to become vampire hunters. I would love to read more about this one.
Overall a excellent anthology, especially for the legions of vampire fans. Although personally I’d say the theme is more horror than romance.