Guess what! The shortlists for BBAW are up! You should go vote now! There is a collection of awesome blogs! Go, look around, discover something new!

I'm even more so excited to share that The Story made it onto a few of the shortlists as well!
I can't express the joy or the thanks I am feeling at this moment! Thank you so very much!
The Story was nominated for Best YA Blog, along with some other very cool and talented bloggers (GreenBeanTeenQueen, Mrs. Magoo Reads, My Favorite Author & Pop Culture Junkie) I'm not expecting much. I'm just happy to be in the running with these other blogs! I can think of so many other bloggers that I would love to see up there or even up there in my place. (More on that coming up Monday Sept. 14: Join BBAW in highlighting the blogs that your favorites that didn't make it onto the shortlist!) You can vote for me or another one of these awesome bloggers at The 2009 BBAW Voting Booth!

TSS was also nominated for Best Design! Which is awesome! Wasn't expecting that at all! And really I can't take credit for my entire design! So thanks to DoodleBug Design for that one. This shortlist was also full of awesomeness bloggers! (A Novel Menagerie, Becky’s Book Reviews, Book Blather, Booking Mama) Again, you can vote for me or another one of these fantastic bloggers at The 2009 BBAW Voting Booth!
Most Extravagant Giveaways! Which is spectacular as well, because I do love to give things away. I'm one of those people that always goes over on my Christmas budget because I love buying things for other people! So, yay for giveaways!!
And finally, In My Mailbox was shortlisted for Best Meme/Carnival/Event! It's up there with a bunch of meme veterans, so again, I'm not really expecting much, but I'm so thrilled to see it up there because it is something that I have a lot of fun doing, and I'm glad other people feel the same way!
So, whether you'll be voting for me (please vote for me!) or another one of your favorite blogs be sure to head over to The 2009 BBAW Voting Booth and get your votes in! Voting ends on Saturday, September 12 at 11:59pm EST, what are you waiting for!
I want to send out a huge CONTRATULATIONS to all the bloggers out there, whether or not you made the shortlist, I know you all work very hard an your blogs an deserve some kudos! You're AWESOME! Thank you to everyone who nominated me last month, and to the panel of judges who worked extremely hard and decided that I was worthy of the shortlist! Lastly, thanks to Amy of My Friend Amy for putting this all together.