The Cupcake Queen by Heather Hepler
Release Date: September 17, 2009
Publisher: Dutton
Age Group: Young Adult/Middle Grade
Pages: 240
From: publisher
Interest: n/a
When her mother moves them from the city to a small town to open up a cupcake bakery, Penny’s life isn’t what she expected. Her father has stayed behind, and Mom isn’t talking about what the future holds for their family. And then there’s Charity, the girl who plays mean pranks almost daily.
There are also bright spots in Hog’s Hollow—like Tally, an expert in Rock Paper Scissors, and Marcus, the boy who is always running on the beach. But just when it looks as though Penny is settling in, her parents ask her to make a choice that will turn everything upside down again.
Cute and sweet as the cupcakes on the cover!
The Cupcake Queen was just that, a very cute book. It dealt with some serious issues, like divorce, but it didn’t have much depth to it. It could have easily been much more cliche than it was, but thankfully Hepler makes it a little more interesting and incorporates some fresh ideas. Although, I will say I’m really tired about reading about the MC getting picked on by the spoiled rich popular girl.
Penny was a likable character, as was Tally and Blake. I didn’t really get the appeal of Marcus, except that he was cute. The whole ignoring thing at school was a little strange, I don’t understand why he just didn’t come out with it! The whole out of school- nice, flirty Marcus, and the in school- won’t even look Penny’s way Marcus was a little really unnerving.
Despite my small problems, I actually liked the story. I had fun reading it!