Week of September 12-18, 2009
It's back! (maybe)
The YA Connection is a collaborative column that was originally started by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). Kristi hosted The Weekly Odyssey and Steph hosted Young Adult Weekly, together they became: The YA Connection. In it can be found links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests links, author blog links, review links, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the age group.
Steph of Reviewer X is currently on a hiatus from blogging. We decided on a mutual break from YA Connection in Febuaray of 2009 due to Steph's insane academic schedule. However, I've missed YA Connection and I've wanted to bring it back into action for many months now. I'm starting out slow, but hoping to return it to it's original glory.
If you're a blogger, author or publicist looking to have your links added, please email me.
Teddyree of The Eclectic Reader is giving away Hush, Hush, Fire, or Catching Fire!
Samantha of Harlequin Twilight's Book Blog is celebrating 50 followers with a contest!
Leslie of That Chick That Reads has a copy of After by Amy Efaw up for grabs.
I was a little slack in hunting down the contests this week. If you currently have a contest feel free to leave a link in the comments section.
Author Musings:
Richelle Mead (Blood Promise) has been on tour for the release of Blood Promise, the fourth book in the Vampire Academy series, and the first of the series to hit the shelves in hardcover. I so hate when they do that! You can read all about her adventures on the road at her blog.

Melissa Walker (Lovestruck Summer) does an awesome feature called "Cover Stories" this week she featured Ash by Malinda Lo.
Cassandra Claire (City of Glass) is going on tour. You can see some dates here and also see some awesome covers for The Mortal Instruments from around the world.

Jackson Pearce (As You Wish) shares her creative genius with us on the topic of reviews, and ultimately why book bloggers are rockstars!
Julia Kagawa (The Iron King) is having a Rockin' Contest. And yes there are rocks involved.
Alexandra Bracken's (Brightly Woven) novel Brightly Woven, has received a cover make-over! Her website is also fairly new and she's looking for feedback on things you'd like to see! Be sure to let her know.

Bree Despain (The Dark Devine) debunks the myth that writing is easy on her blog post "Writing Ain't Always Easy."
You should definitely add Kay Cassidy's (The Cinderella Society) Blog 2.0 to your feedreader. She has fantastic contests, along with interviews with bloggers and industry pros.
Melissa Marr (Fragile Eternity) announced that Wicked Lovely is being made into a movie!
Stacey Jay (Undead Much) recently had a really Zombie-rific book signing. Complete with zombie fans and brains.
Books released this week:

- Demon Chick by Marilyn Kaye
- The Cupcake Queen by Heather Hepler
- Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe
- Forest Born by Shannon Hale
- Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran
- Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough

- The Silver Blade by Sally Gardner
- Positively by Courtney Sheinmel
- Time of Witches by Anna Myers
- The Other Girl by Sarah Miller
Blogger Blurbs:
This past week we celebrated the annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week, be sure to head over to the BBAW blog to see all the festivities.
Have you checked out the Summerland Books Blog? You should.
Yan of Books by Their Cover reviewed Viola in Reel Life by by Adriana Trigiani. "Humor, sass, and love are the combination to this book. It reminded a bit of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants."
Khy of Frenetic Reader reviewed Candor by Pam Bachorz. "Some of the things I wanted to happen happened, so it was a bit predictable in that sense, but there were plenty of twists and turns to make things exciting."
Alea of Pop Culture Junkie posted a new Lookalike. One of my favorite features on her blog!
Steph of Steph Su Reads reviewed Once A Witch by Carolyn MacCullough. She didn't win the BBAW award for best writing for no reason! "ONCE A WITCH is a fast-paced and engaging story filled with magic, danger, and family secrets. It’s easy to get caught up in this extremely readable novel."
Kelsey of Reading Keep You Sane reviewed Postitvely by Cournery Sheinmel. "The characters were very realistic (besides Emmy and her classmates seeming younger then they are) and the writing was very good. It was original and the plot was very developed and flowed nicely throughout."

Tirzah of The Compulsive Reader reviewed Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines. "Girl in the Arena is a very intriguing and well-written novel about violence and entertainment, how easy it is for people to latch on to it when the two are strung together, but also about the courage of one girl wanting to make a positive change in her world."
Lauren of Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf had an interview with Megan Crewe author of Give Up the Ghost.
This week I reviewed:
- Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe
So... are you glad to see YA Connection again, or should it retire for good?