Becca Fitzpatrick is the debut author of Hush, Hush. This book has been getting a lot of buzz, and for a good reason. It's spectacular. You can see my review of Hush, Hush here.
So, five years? How did the story develop? Was it worth it? (those three count as one!)
Yes, five years! I'm slow, right? Actually, don't answer that...
So, yes. I started writing Hush, Hush in 2003. My husband had registered me for a writing class as a gift to me for my 24th birthday. I was a Health major in college, not English or Creative Writing or anything closely related, so I thought it was kind of odd that he'd decided on a writing class. But at the same time, I felt a scary attraction to the idea of writing and storytelling, because when I was eight years old, I'd announced to my mom that I wanted to grow up to write books.
I was a new mom when I started Hush, Hush, so I didn't get a lot of writing time in, and I was very impatient with those early drafts. I remember finishing the first couple of chapters, basically when Patch and Nora are pushed together as lab partners, and then decided it might be a good time to try to find an agent. Yes, I was an amateur! And, yes, both agents I queried ended up rejecting the story. Over the years I wrote a little more, revised, and kept submitting. Finally, in 2008, the book sold, and it was absolutely, definitely, positively worth it!
Do you have any “must haves” with you while you’re writing? (foods, favorite socks, we want to know)
This is probably going to make me sound like the most boring person in the world, but I love water. I always make sure I have a tall glass of the stuff on my desk when I sit down to write. I keep snacks close at hand too, but the type of snack varies wildly depending on how my story is going. If it's a rough day, I'll be eating ice cream, guaranteed. If things are going well on the story front, I'll snack on grapes or yogurt or Wheat Thins with low-fat cream cheese. If my story is listening, my health would really appreciated it if you cooperated...
What was the publishing aspect like for you?
Don't laugh, but I thought if I ever got a book deal, everything would get easier. I was soooo wrong. Getting a book deal was huge and amazing, but all those years I spent writing up to that point? I never imagined they would prepare me for the intensity following a book deal. Hush, Hush sold in September 2008, and the past year has been one continuous whirlwind of editing, writing the next book, promoting, more editing, and more rewriting. I had no clue how much work goes into getting a book on the shelf – and not just work from my side, but the time and energy my publishing team has put into the book, too. Publishing people are insanely dedicated. Three cheers to publishing people!
Is there another genre that you’d like to write? Is there a genre you’ll probably stay away from and why? (historical fiction, possibly around 1565?)
I love YA – it makes up most of what I read – so I imagine I'll stay here as long as the genre will have me, but other genres that interest me are mystery and contemporary romance. I love reading historical fiction, but it would scare me to write it – all that research!
If you could travel back in time for one year, what time and place would you choose? And if you could only take 3 things with you, what would they be?
This is a great question, Kristi! My mind is spinning with possibilities. Wow...I think I'd want to go really far back. There's a lot of information on recent history, making it easier to learn about, so if I had the opportunity, I might go back to Europe in the late 1400s, at the dawn of the Renaissance. What a cool time period! So many things were changing and happening in the world. I'd probably take with me antibiotics, the Internet, and my laptop. Bet I could show those Old Worlders some cool stuff ;)
Describe Hush, Hush in three words. (hot, hotter, hottest)
Personally I like your hot, hotter, hottest, but if I'm supposed to come up with something on my own, I'll go with sexy, suspenseful and spine-tingling.
What's next for you?
I'm working on the sequel to Hush, Hush, currently titled Crescendo. In Crescendo, readers will find out what really happened the night Nora's dad was murdered. More twists, more turns, and more Patch! (I might even reveal is real name – oh, the suspense!)
Thanks, Kristi, for having me on The Story!
Thank you Becca, for that awesome interview! Hush, Hush is out October 13, be sure to get your copy. I know I will be!
Visit Becca at her website.