This is a list of features/sites/randomthings that you may or may not be aware of, and I just thought I'd bring some attention to them.
Books For Grabs
Books for Grabs is a site I recently created to pass on my books that I was finished reading so that others can enjoy them.
Bloggers (or anyone really) can submit a list of books that they'd like to pass on or give away for grabs. The list can have finished books or advance readers copies.
The books listed are not for sale but the grabbers must pay shipping to have the books sent to them. Please be aware if you grab a book, you will need to provide an address to where the book is sent. The lists have contact information for the owner, so you must be comfortable giving the owner your address.
If you'd like to grab or if you have a list of your own you'd like to post, check out Books For Grabs! Does anyone want to make a pretty layout for "Books For Grabs" I thought I had talked to someone about it, but I might be wrong. If you're interested, please email me!
Blog Roll
A good way to network with other blogs is to have a blog roll! I used to have a complete blog roll on my sidebar... but my blog roll is insane! So it has it's very own post that is linked from the sidebar. If you'd like to be added to the blog roll, please email me with the subject: Blog Roll!
Please note: my blog roll is not limited to book blogs or ya book blogs.
Young Adult Book Blog Directory (YABBD)
The YABBD is just what it's name implies. A directory of young adult book blogs. I have a huge list of blogs to add currently, so if you've emailed me in the last couple months... you will be added! I'm just a little bit behind updating the site!
If you'd like to be added to the YABBD, please email me, subject: YABBD.
There is also a page of YA Author Blogs, so if you are an author that would like your blog and/or website added please feel free to email me as well!
I've only just started offering this, I'm not at all sure about what I'm doing, but I've been getting a significant number of emails about wanting to advertise on the site recently.
I'd like to have adds relevant to young adult literature. If you're interested in having an advertisement here, you can view more information about it, here.
Fresh Face Friday
Fresh Face Friday is a feature I started fairly recently to showcase new young adult book blogs. I feature a few blogs a couple fridays a month. I have a ton of blogs that have been submitted so keep on the look-out for yours! I'm loving the chance to discover all these great new blogs!
If you just started a young adult book blog and you'd like to be a Fresh Face, please fill out the information form. You only need to fill out the form once, it will be saved until your blog has been posted!