Fresh Face Friday is a look at some new bloggers around the blogosphere. I have some Fabulous Fresh Faces to share with you this week! Here are my fresh face finds for this friday:
Danielle of The Book Blogger. Recently rediscovered her love of reading. She's started her own book blog as a result! Welcome back to the cool side Danielle!

Christina of Flip the Page! Book Reviews. Christina describes her blog as "a place where readers can not only be introduced to different books and authors but also a place where they can check out cool music that might go along with their favorite novels!I review each book with an honest and straight forward opinion and then create a specialized playlist for each book."
Mary of The Sweet Bookshelf. Mary is an American living in Scotland that turned her love of reading into a "sweet" blog!
Kelsey of The Book Scout. Kelsey is a high school freshman that enjoys reading Young Adult Lit. She also recently got a puppy named Charlie. Team Doggies, rules!

Anna of Book Nerds. Anna along with her sister Jennifer blog at Book Nerds. Besides their awesome reviews, they have a totally sick layout. It's all decked out for Halloween right now... tis awesome, I'm so jealous! And not to mention they are having some great contests this month... just saying.
That's it for this Friday's Fresh Faces. There are more great blogs to come. If you'd like to be spotlighted on Fresh Face Friday just follow the link.