BEA is something I know very little about. I've been turning twitter to get some information. But I still have more questions. A fellow blogger, Kate of The Neverending Shelf, and I decided it might be a good idea to start discussing BEA.
What is BEA?
BEA is short for Book Expo America, which is the largest book publishing event in North America... I mean this is the daddy of them all. NYC will be hosting BEA until 2012. This year BEA is May 25-27th, this is the first year it's actually during the work week, instead of the weekend.
I thought I was speaking on a panel for YA Book Blogs (along with three other bloggers, James, Chelsea and Devyn, and our moderator, author Jessica Burkhart) and I've told a ton of people that I am... but come to find out, it actually hasn't been accepted yet, so... I could be a big fat liar. But I'm really hoping that everything will turn out well and the panel will end up being a part of BEA.
This is will be my first visit to NYC and my first time attending BEA. And because I am a very anal person, that has to plan everything months in advance, I've already started thinking about this trip and finalizing travel details.
I think I may have a hotel and a roommate figured out. Which is a pretty big chunk that's already done. GO ME! Has anyone reserved their hotel rooms yet? Is it to early?
Transportation is going to be another big thing. Are you going to BEA? What do you recommend?
Right now I am weighing my options...
- Driving
- Railing
- Flying
If you've been to BEA before or NYC before, I'd love to hear some suggestions. I'm planning on taking a few days while I'm there and seeing the sites.
If you are going to BEA, I'd love to know about it and possibly meet up! Email me!
If the panel does get finalized...
- will I need to register?
- do you have any topics you'd like us to discuss?
- are these panels a big deal, do people even go to them?
- pre-register, so you can know when to register!
- find a discounted hotel