Last year, 2009, I found out last minute that the original blogger that hosted the 2k8 Challenge, had decided to no longer host challenges. In return I took over the Debut Author challenge in 2009, but since I hadn't anticipated hosted it, I had nothing planned or worked. As a result the challenge really suffered. I had awesome participation, but I wasn't organized enough to keep it going through the whole year. So as not to let this challenge die, I'll be hosting again this year, 2010!
This is an information post click this link to join the 2010 Debut Author Challenge.
What is the 2010 Debut Author Challenge?
- The objective is to read a set number of YA (Young Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) novels from debut authors published this year.* I'm going to challenge everyone to read at least 12 debut novels! I’m hoping to read at least 30! You don’t have to list your choices right away, but if you do feel free to change them throughout the year. I will also be focusing on mostly Young Adult novels.
- Anyone can join, you don’t need a blog to participate. If you don’t have a blog you can always share your views by posting a review on, or any other bookish site.
- The challenge will run from January 1, 2010- December 31, 2010. You can join at anytime!
* I would like to limit the novels to those released in 2010.
You’ll have to do all the research to make sure a novel meets the criteria for the challenge. I do have a few sites that can help with your search; 2010: A Book Odyssey/The Tenners, AuthorsNow , The Class of 2k10 & Indie-Debut.
If you're still unsure... I've tried to make a list of titles that meet the criteria at GoodReads: 2010 Debut Authors.
More Challenge Guidelines:
- authors that have "adult" titles currently published but are debuting a YA/MG novel in 2010 can be included in your challenge lists. This goes for authors that have childrens books published as well.
- novels must be read between the dates of January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 to count toward your challenge total. (this means if you've read a 2010 debut novel in 2009, it doesn't count... but!)
- reviews posted in 2010 will count toward the monthly prize packs, even if you read the novel in 2009. Does that make sense? For example I've read debut author Jennifer Hubbard's novel The Secret Year, in 2009. But I will not be posting my review until closer to its release date in 2010. So, even though it can't be counted as one of my "challenge" books, I could still use its review for a prize pack entry.
- please do list the 2010 debut novels you've already read in your challenge lists. That way other participants can find out about a book they might not have otherwise.
For those Participants, not in the U.S.
- the challenge is open to everyone.
- you may have a debut title that has already been released in the U.S. that is fine! You do not have to make your challenge lists according to U.S. release dates.
- all monthly prize packs are open to international residents
Show your Challenge Pride!
Grab a button to display on your sidebar!
Head to this page to get the codes!
I'm really excited to host this challenge and I hope it is as much fun as I'm thinking it's going to be!