November 1-7, 2009
The YA Connection is a collaborative column that was originally started by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). Steph is currently on a extended hiatus, so I'm swinging it solo for the time being. In it can be found links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests links, author blog links, review links, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the age group.
Author Musings:

Alexandra Bracken (Brightly Woven) has some advice for bloggers. I thought it was a really insightful post, it's nice to be able to see from the perspective of an author.
Jackson Pearce (As You Wish) had an excellent vlog about using the "F Bomb"
Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl's Beautiful Creatures has it's very own website and Ning Group! The official BC site is really cool!

Maggie Stiefvater released the cover for Linger, the sequel to Shiver. Along with the first paragraph(s) of the story. I CAN'T WAIT!
Malinda Lo (Ash) is heading to the east coats for some author events! You can check out her events page for all the official information.
Lisa McMann (Fade) is hosting her 2nd Annual Freaking Huge Contest of Thanks. Which should really be called the 2nd Annual Freaking Huge Contest of Awesome.

Rachel Vincent shares a peek of My Soul to Save! A little advice: You probably won't want to read this if you haven't read the first novel in the series My Soul to Take.
You should join the Facebook Fan page for Courtney Summers. Just do it, you'll thank me later. Speaking of Courtney Summers (Cracked Up To Be) she has this awesome post about writing a novel that has mean girls.
Check out these awesome author group blogs:
- Author2Author
- MTV Books
- The Novel Girls
- 2009 Debutantes
- 2010: A Book Odyssey
- Books, Boys, Buzz
- Class of 2k9
- Teen Fiction Cafe
- YA Fresh
- The Enchanted Inkpot
Blogger Blurbs:

Kelsey of The Book Scout reviewed How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford. "It was well written, unique, and the cover is great, too."
Samantha of Harlequin Twilight's Book Blog reviewed Ash by Malinda Lo. "I found myself hoping for a sequel in a story that doesn't need one, just because I wanted to spend more time with the characters and spend more time in this world that Malinda has created."
The Compulsive Reader reviewed Break by Hannah Moskowitz. "Hannah Moskowitz's debut novel is startling, blunt, and complete absorbing."
Lori of Pure Imagination reviewed The Maze Runner by James Dashner. "Overall I just flat out loved this book. I think you will too."

Drea of Book Blather reviewed Little Black Lies by Tish Cohen. "I really liked Little Black Lies. It was a quick read that was very hard to put down."
Diana of The Book Resort is hosting a Tenners Extravaganza!
Forever Young Adult review Going Bovine by Libba Bray. "I really enjoyed reading this book. I mean, I didn’t Learn A Big Life Lesson or anything (other than “living your life is a good idea; being a slacker sucks,” but I had already learned that from pretty much every teen movie ever made), but Libba Bray kept me laughing, and guessing, and caring."
Flip the Page! Book Reviews reviewed The Everafter by Amy Huntley. "This whole book was one big mystery. You never knew what was happening or how Maddy got there."

Nicole of WORD for Teens reviewed Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. "It's not that Leviathan is a bad book. It's got a brilliantly designed concept executed with interesting characters. For some strange reason, though, it's just not up to par with Westerfeld's other books."
McKenzie of The Book Owl reviewed The Long Wait for Tomorrow by Joaquin Dorfman. "The idea was interesting, but it lacked the proper execution. I constantly found myself confused."
Feel free to fill in your contest info in the Mister Linky.
Please use the Mister Linky as instructed.
Your Name: Put your prize here & deadline date!
Your URL: Put a DIRECT link to your contest.
Do you want to be included in YAC? Shoot me an email with your blog url. I have a folder in my Google Reader called YAC. Posts are chosen at random. Please use the subject: YAC.
Are you an author that has an event coming up? Let me know and I can mention it on a future post of YAC!
Have a suggestion of something you'd like to see on YAC? Or something you've seen that you'd like me to include every time, let me know.
Thanks! Have a great weekend!