With the year steadily coming to a close, I like to use this time for reflection. To think about where I want to be this time next year. I always like to have a set of goals, personal and blog wise.
Last year I set goals for my reviews... which didn't exactly happen. I think my goal was to refrain from using the words: awesome, great, and totally. And that I would avoid perpetually using the phrase “ I enjoyed...I really enjoyed reading...”
I had a goal to work on my interview questions, which I did. Or, I guess I should say, that I tried, and hope that I succeeded in that attempt.
But I'd like to gather a little information about the blog, in this current mood of reflection. To gather what you, the readers, whom I so adore, think about this endeavor to share my love of reading. And possibly discover some goals that may need to be set for the year to come.
If you wouldn't mind following the link below to a survey that will only take a few minutes of your time, I would greatly appreciate it. It's completely anonymous too, so feel free to be honest.
Take the Survey Here!