December 12-18, 2009
The YA Connection is a accumulation of links from around the YA blogosphere. Here you can find author blog links, review link, a place to share your contests, and miscellaneous new pertaining to young adult literature.
Author Musings:

Looking for the perfect gift for a book lover that has every book! Check out author Jessica Verday's perfume line based on the characters from her novel The Hollow.
Speaking of great gifts, check out Maureen Johnson's (Suite Scarlett) low priced gift guide. Awesome!
One of my favorite authors Lisa McMann (Gone) announced some very exciting news on her blog this week! Congrats Lisa!
Check out this weeks Cover Story at Melissa Walker's (Lovestruck Summer) blog. She's featuring the fantabulous Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margie Stohl!

Jackson Pearce (Sisters Red) shares her bookcases, I love them. Plus, I always enjoy seeing other people's bookcases.
Alexandra Bracken (Brightly Woven) shares "why hardcover books cost so
Cherry Cheva (DupliKate) will be doing an author event on December 29, at the Ann Arbor downtown library! I might have to go to this one! She'll be talking about her books and Family Guy (the television show). Plus you'll have some chances to win some cool prizes too!
Author of the Week:

Julie Kagawa
Julie is the author of the forthcoming novel The Iron King to be released Febuary 2010. The Iron King is part of a three part trilogy. Julie used to be a professional dog trainer, which is super cool! (imo) You can check out Julie's website to learn more about her and her debut novel The Iron King.
Julie's Blog:
Julie's Twitter: @Jkagawa

Blogger Blurbs:
James of Book Chic reviewed The Dark Divine by Bree Despain. "This was a really compelling debut full of twists and turns. Despain knows how to craft a story set in a small town and pack it full of mystery, intrigue, romance, humor, and suspense."
Kari at A Good Addiction reviewed Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder. "Reverberating- that's the main word that comes to mind after reading this book because many parts of it continue to stay in my head. This story and the characters have nestled their way into a niche all their own within my heart, right alongside some of the other angsty/tragic greats (Greats in my mind)."
Megan at Simply Books reviewed Witch and Wizard by James Patterson. "Also, the writing was really bad. It seemed like someone knew they were writing for teenagers and young adults and had to dumb everything down for us."

Kelsey at The Book Scout reviewed The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard. "From the first page I was pulled in and Colt’s raw and personal narration kept me hooked."
Hope at Hope's Bookshelf reviewed Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. "Fitzpatrick really created wonderful characters and a wonderful setting. Patch and Nora were really good main characters (besides their predictability at moments)."
The Compulsive Reader reviewed Diary of a Witness by Catherine Ryan Hyde. "This book has been compared to Jennifer Brown's Hate List, but it is different in the fact that Hyde focuses more on what exactly would drive a teen to the breaking point and how what others might consider teasing and simple joking could have such an intense and damaging effect on someone."

Lauren of Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf reviewed The Naughty List by Suzanne Young. "The Naughty List is just as cute and adorable as the cover it has proving it to be a series that you should definitely be keeping an eye on."
Books Make Great Lovers reviewed My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison. I admit that this didn’t sound very good to me but I was surprised to find out that I was wrong! It was so much better then I expected.
Kate at Read This Book reviewed Gateway by Sharon Shinn. "It was well-detailed and readers had a better understanding of the people and the Chinese culture. But still, not all of it was necessary. In fact, the spy training only happened for the first half of the book… which was rather disappointing. The other half was spent preparing for meeting the bad guy and sightseeing."
Book of the Week:

Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvey
The Blakes are rather different to your usual neighbours. They are vampires and some of the members of the family date back to the twelfth century. One of the children, Solange, is the only born female vampire known and, as such, she poses a direct threat to the vampire queen. Her best friend Lucy is human, and when Solange is kidnapped Lucy and Solange's brother, Nicholas, set out to save her. Lucy soon discovers that she would like to be more than just friends with Nicholas. But how does one go about dating a vampire? Meanwhile, Solange finds an unlikely ally in Kieran, a vampire slayer on the hunt for his father's killer.
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