November 29 - December 5, 2009
The YA Connection is a accumulation of links from around the YA blogosphere. Here you can find author blog links, review link, a place to share your contests, and miscellaneous new pertaining to young adult literature.
Author Musings:

The cover for Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins was released this week! Can I just say... that it's AWESOME!
If there has ever been a time to be jealous of Mari Mancusi (Bad Blood)... it is now. Check out these awesome photos from her recent GLEE encounter... antlers have never been hotter.
YAY, for Melissa Walker's (Lovestruck Summer) COVER STORIES! This week she has author Debbie Rigaud's novel Perfect Shot!

Julia Kagawa (The Iron King) has finished book three in her series, as in she has finished her series! That calls for some celebration I do believe. CONGRATS!
Over on MTV Books blog, Stephanie Kuehnert (Ballads of Suburbia) discussed how she stays motivated to write. Jennifer Echols (Going Too Far) shares her views on the topic as well!
John Green (Paper Towns) shares a video response to Twilight & New Moon.

Courtney Summers (Some Girls Are) is making up for her lack of blogging by holding a contest... I can think of no better way to apologize!
Blogger Blurbs:
Kate at Read This Book reviewed Never Bite a Boy on the First Date by Tamara Summers. "Overall, Summers has written a pleasant lighthearted read which will be of interest to girls looking for a quick read with a touch of paranormal."

James of Book Chic has an awesome interview with Courtney Sheinmel (Positively)!
Alexa of Not Enough Bookshevles is counting down her favorite fictional couples of the year, with special guest authors Elizabeth Scott, Diana Peterfreund, Eillen Cook, Robin Benway, Daisy Whitney, Joelle Anthony and Anna Jarzab.

Steph of Steph Su Reads reviewed Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves. "BLEEDING VIOLET defies adequate description and categorization, blending snark, relationship issues, and the supernatural into a sexy paranormal read that will be hard to forget."
Khy of Frenetic Reader reviewed I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to be Your Class President by Josh Lieb. "The plot itself was a bit predictable in the end but wraps up nicely."

Laura of Tattooed Books reviewed Candor by Pam Bachorz. "Candor was quick-paced and intriguing."
Jill of Reading is Bliss is hosting the 25 guests of Christmas.
Kelsey of The Book Scout reviewed Hold Still by Nina LaCour. "From the first page I was drawn into the book."
In Other News:

In case you're living under a rock... the third novel of The Hunger Games series has a release date. The title hasn't been officially announced, but you can look for it on shelves: August 24th, 2010.
PAYA is back in action again! They have two more libraries that are needing donations. See the wish lists.
Help support an independent publishing group: TU Publishing! It's the mission, of TU Publishing, to publish fantasy and science fiction novels for children and teens, focusing on multicultural settings and characters.
2009 is coming to an end... The Class of 2k10 is hosting an awesome contest for the graduation of their predecessors, The Class of 2k9! Lots of great books... contest ends tonight! SO GO!
Leave a Mark has a new book up! You can bid on a marked up copy of Love Struck Summer by Melissa Walker!
Beautiful Creatures has a FAN SITE!
Released This Week:

Dawn by Kevin Brooks
Perfect Shot by Debbie Rigaud
Posh and Prejudice by Grace Dent

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
What I Wore to Save the World by Maryrose Wood
New to Paperback:

To Be Mona by Kelly Easton
Feel free to fill in your contest info in the Mister Linky.
Please use the Mister Linky as instructed.
Your Name: Put your prize here & deadline date!
Your URL: Put a DIRECT link to your contest.