Some Girls Are
by Courtney Summers
Release Date: January 5, 2010
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 256
Source: Publisher
Interest: Author
Challenge: None
Other Titles by Author: Cracked Up to Be
Climbing to the top of the social ladder is hard--falling from it is even harder. Regina Afton used to be a member of the Fearsome Fivesome, an all-girl clique both feared and revered by the students at Hallowell High... until vicious rumors about her and her best friend's boyfriend start going around.
Now Regina's been "frozen out" and her ex-best friends are out for revenge. If Regina was guilty, it would be one thing, but the rumors are far from the terrifying truth and the bullying is getting more intense by the day. She takes solace in the company of Michael Hayden, a misfit with a tragic past who she herself used to bully. Friendship doesn't come easily for these onetime enemies, and as Regina works hard to make amends for her past, she realizes Michael could be more than just a friend... if threats from the Fearsome Foursome don't break them both first.
Three words: (some girls are) very very mean
I really wish I could write an intellectual, well thought out, comprehensive review, that could do an exceptional book justice. Because if a book ever deserved that type of review it would be Some Girls Are.
I honestly don’t know how Courtney does it. How can she write a character that is a bitch, in all essence of the word... and make me like her... feel sorry for her even! I should hate her, hate all that she stands for, for all those bitches in high school that thought they were... well that’s another story for a different day.
That’s who Regina is- a bitch, and yet, I empathized with her. I felt sorry for her. I found myself nodding in agreement, with her conniving plans to get back at the girls that were making her life a living hell. Who brainwashed me into feeling this way... Courtney Summers did, that’s who. She manipulated me with her words! She used her amazing talent to deconstruct my view of something that had always been black and white, bitch and non-bitch and made it... GRAY! How dare you!? Now I’m wondering... do bitches have feelings too...? Do bitches deserve second chances. Do bitches deserve the sweetest guy on the planet?
Speaking of sweetest guys on the planet... was anyone else feeling that tension between those two, or was it just me. I know it couldn’t possibly be just me... but I just wanted to scream..KISS HER ALREADY! I know you hate her, but give her a big ole’ I hate you kiss!
I really wanted to do intellectual, but it’s obviously not happening.
Seriously though... I can’t say enough good things about this book. Courtney has a very distinct style, and I really enjoy reading her books. She has great characterization, the plot is just insane... when you think these girls couldn’t be more mean, well they can and they Are.
I could not put this book down, and yet.. it was hard to read. I literally picked it up hoping to get a few chapters in and ended up reading the whole thing through.
The realistic portrayal of these girls is absolutely disturbing, in a grossly addicting way. You don’t want to see what horrible things they do next... yet you do. How is that possible... am I just a masochist like that?
And here I raise my glass... to Courtney Summers... the queen of mean. Not that I’m saying Courtney is mean, she is in fact very sweet, but damn, she knows how to write some mean ass girls.
I’m ready for book three, please NOW.