On Saturday February 27, I drove the 264 miles to Louisville, Kentucky to see the fabulous author of The Iron King, JULIE KAGAWA!!
I'll try to skip over the boring-ish details.
I got into Louisville around two o'clock. I just went right to the Borders, to meet up with Chelsea from The Page Flipper, Susan from Wastepaper Prose and Julie! I was a little early since I wasn't officially meeting up with them until 3 o'clock, but I knew I wouldn't have a problem killing an hour in Borders.
The Louisville Borders was about ten times bigger then the one we have here in Fort Wayne. It was so much nicer and made ours look like a little whole in the wall. The YA section was FAN-TABU-LOUS! I so want some shelves like that in my house, if I ever get a new one.
We had dinner with Julie at Sake Blue a sushi place. I had the Cha-Cha... it was delicious and Julie ordered an eel. I know, the horror! She even tried to get me to eat it, which I did not. It was called the King Cobra... it was seriously a whole eel. Crazy! There was a lot of talking at the late lunch/early dinner. Books, writing, reading... it's amazing how people can connect over books!

After Sake Blue we headed back to the Borders Cafe to wait until the signing started at 6. There were a lot of people at the event! Including the fabulous tenners: Jessica Leader (Nice and Mean
) and Kelly Creagh (Nevermore
). It was so exciting, Julie read a passage from the book, answered some questions and then signed a lot of books! She is hilarious & cute and suffers from an extreme Mountain Dew addiction.

This is Julie and I.

This is my half eaten cookie... with an backdrop of The Iron King and Mt. Dew.

Myself, Jessica Leader and Chelsea.

The Mini Dew.

The real Dew.

My Cha Cha sushi.. nom nom.

Julie reading.

Group photo! (or proof that Susan was really there)

Kelly Creagh, me and Jessica Leader.